Chapter Three - Call Of The Raptors

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After receiving her assignment from Commissioner Harrier, Starling makes her way to the abandoned apartment complex where the Storm Hawks were hiding.

Piper: How did it go with the Commissioner?

Starling: It looks like the Raptors are expanding their territories.

Junko: That's bad, right?

Starling: Very. The Raptor Gang has never made those kind of moves before.

Aerrow: You believe something bigger is in play?

Starling: Yeah. Cyclonis's Talon Commandos haven't made a move on them. All of this is out of place.

It was clear to the Storm Hawks that the recent territorial expansion of the Raptors was unusual. The Storm Hawks were still fairly new in terms of dealing with criminal gangs. The only one who's encountered the Raptors was Finn.

Finn: What exactly are we dealing with?

Starling: One of the largest criminal gangs in the city. They're run by a scumbag named Repton.

Stork: Where exactly do we start?

Suddenly, Starling's cellphone begins to ring. She checks the caller ID and sees only an unknown number. She reluctantly answers.

Starling: This is Detective Starling. Who is this?

Unknown Caller(Phone): Greetings, detective.

Starling immediately recognized the voice on the other line. A series of emotions began to swell within her. 

Starling: Repton....

Repton(Phone): Listen to me very carefully, detective. I wish to speak with you. 

Starling: If you think I'm gonna fall for one of your traps, you're deeply mistaken!

Repton(Phone): This is no trap, I can assure you. I know you've been hearing about....expansion. 

Starling: I have. Your gang is expanding it's territory. 

Repton(Phone): The ones responsible for this is not operating under my orders.

Upon hearing this, Starling was shocked as well as confused. She was very skeptical about this confession. 

Starling: What are you talking about?

Repton(Phone): What you are dealing with is rogue members of my gang. They are operating against my orders. 

Starling: How do I know I can believe you? You're a cutthroat and a murderer. 

Repton(Phone): Because expanding my territory so brazenly would only draw attention to myself and my gang. They are challenging my authority. 

Starling: And why haven't you dealt with them?

Repton(Phone): Because they have made a pact with a winged demon. 

Upon hearing this, Starling became even more interested. She glanced over to the Storm Hawks with a look of concern, knowing Dark Ace was involved. 

Starling: How do I know you're not lying to me?

Repton(Phone): I am many things, detective. A liar isn't one of them. Traitors in my gang have made a pact with a winged demon. In my culture, making a pact with a winged demon makes one cursed. I dare not touch them for I may bring the wrath of the demon upon myself. 

It became apparent that the recent expansion was not done under Repton's orders, but rather possibly Dark Ace. 

Starling: A winged demon seems hard to believe?

Repton(Phone): You desire evidence, yes? I have the evidence you require. We will meet on neutral territory by the Red Eagle Bar an hour from now. I will come alone as will you. 

Starling: If you try anything, I'll put you in the ground, you son of a bitch. 

Repton(Phone): That won't be necessary. I will see you then. 

After that, Repton ends the call. Starling then turns to the Storm Hawks. 

Finn: You really going to meet that Repton guy? 

Starling: There's no other choice. Repton is a superstitious man, but I believe him about his...winged demon. 

Aerrow: It would not surprise me that Dark Ace is involved. 

Piper: You're not going alone, are you?

Starling: I have to, but that doesn't mean you can't watch over. Just keep a low profile. Last thing I want to do is scare him off. 

Aerrow: I do not like this plan, Starling. It's too dangerous. 

Starling: You're right, but it's possibly our only lead. I don't like it as much as you do. I'm about to have a conversation with the son of a bitch responsible for killing my partner. It's gonna take everything I have to resist the urge to put a bullet in Repton's skull. 

It was clear to the Storm Hawks that Starling had a personal vendetta against Repton. Out of all the Storm Hawks, Aerrow and Finn knew first hand of the pain Starling was feeling. 

Aerrow: Do what you feel is right, Detective Starling. If you feel that this Repton can lead us to Cyclonis or Dark Ace, then we will follow your lead. 

Starling: I better get going. The Red Eagle Bar may be in neutral territory, it's still a dangerous place to go to especially if you're a cop. Luckily for me, I've had a few drinks in that place so I'm somewhat of a familiar face. 

Aerrow: We will follow your lead. 

Starling: Just remember what I said, keep a low profile. If Repton sees you, then this meeting will be bust. But something tells me there won't be a problem. 

With that, Starling got in her car and began driving towards the Red Eagle Bar to meet with Repton to discuss about the winged demon. The Storm Hawks would follow discreetly. This meeting would prove to be extremely difficult for Starling as she would be in the same room with the man responsible for the death of her partner. It would take everything in Starling's willpower to control herself. For the sake of the investigation of Cyclonis and Dark Ace, Starling would have to answer the call of the Raptors.

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