At Alex's

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Scoop pov:

I was getting ready to go to Alex's house for the summer. Little does he know, I have a small crush on Alex. *time skip to alex's cuz ima lazy girl* I was here. I knocked on his door and Alex answered and he looked tired... Mostly because it was 12:30. When I got in, he showed me my room and I unpacked. He asked, "What do you wanna do tomorrow?" I answered, "I'm not sure."

Linkman POV:

Yay! Elijah is here! I have a small crush on him but, that's ok... I'm sure that I manage keeping it a secret...

                                I hope...

Yeah I can. 

Scoop POV:

I was Tired. From home, to a cab to a plane for two hours, to another cab, then to here. Oh well. Alex and I decided to watch The Bird Box.  I fell asleep and Alex woke me up. I realized That I was resting my head on his shoulder. I blushed. Alex asked me if I was okay. I said I was and he nodded. We finished watching The Bird Box. Alex said he was getting tired. It was 4am. We both said good night and went of to bed both very tired. 

Hey weirdos, hope you liked this chapter, CYA!

     -Gracie the weird britt ;) 

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