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KOBE POV_________________________ Its been a while since I've seen everyone

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Its been a while since I've seen everyone. I went back home.. as in Kentucky. After everything that happened between gabi, monroe, & everyone else, I couldn't really take it anymore so i went home. I really regret how I handled the whole situation so Ive decided to apologize to everyone.

whoskbreeezo: i made my acc public to apologize

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whoskbreeezo: i made my acc public to apologize. Im really sorry for all of the drama, crazy supporters going after people, and everything else that i have caused. It could've been handled off of social media. In sorry i made people get involved into situations that did not need them. The whole situation could've happened outside of social media and no one wouldve known. The whole thing was dramatic and im very sorry. Please dont bring up anything that has happened in the last 2-3 months.

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*view all 375 comments*_________________________

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tiktokroom: #kbreeezo apologizes for drama - 👀

user3: atleast he took some initiative🙂

itsgabi: good for him 😄

elaina.saito: that was very nice of him.

vallykpena: ❤️👍

bri.cia: im glad he decided to do something😄

gabi.fp: good job 👏

After that I dmed gabi.

_________________________After that i felt lowkey happy

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After that i felt lowkey happy. I just got loads of stress and emotions off my shoulders and i feel better.

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