Sero x all for ones son

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Trigger warning:

background info: this story takes place after U.A. and you are second in command to shigaraki. This is also a soulmate A.U where you can only see in black and white till you lock eyes with your soulmate

No one POV:

it was dark out and you could barely see a thing other than your partner toga and a few inches in front of you. ' hey y/n do you see that' toga asked as she pointed in front of her "no toga I can barely see you let alone in front of you" you say back as she stops walking so you can catch up to her 'so what is it you wanted to show me?' you ask as you finally catch up to where she was "look it is my Deku-Kun!" she said pointing to a space that was all lit up and decorated "and some other person next to him' she said as she was about to run over to deku "oh no you don't' you grab her wrist 'you are not going to get us caught by those heroes" you say as you drag here back to the dark ally to finish your mission ' hey y/n who do you think that another guy with my deku-Kun was?" "I don't know toga may be one of his friends but finding out who that person was is not our mission at hand' "your no fun you know and let my arm go" she said playfully" oh sorry" you let go of her arm 'this way toga" "ok!" "you are too happy you know" "yeah I know" "all right once we get into that hero school I need you to watch my back as I get into the server " " yes sir" she said with a giggle "*huff*you're a pain in the ass sometimes Toga" you said jokingly "all right I'm going to go break into the server now watch my back" you said as you crawled into the breaker room

As I'm crawling through the vent I hear toga faintly say "good luck (Y/N)". Once I make it to the breaker room I shut of the alarms and text shigaraki

Over text

yo yo I got rid of the alarms if you want you guys can come now

yeah yeah whatever we'll meet you there

cool beans bro see u soon also...put on some chapstick lol

"God damn getting in here was hard and I don't even get a thank you" you said as you crawled back out of the vent

Shigaraki's POV:
"All right I got the text let's go I just got the text we are good to go also remind me not to beat the living fuck out of him" I said to the team "what did he do this time" Dabi asked me as he laughed his ass off "he told me to "put some chapstick on" whatever that means " I say scratching my neck as the whole team burst out laughing "it's not funny now shut up and let's go" I yelled at them as we walked in

Crustyman 🖐️🔪⛓️:
we are almost in the building have you and toga outside as soon as we get there

Yeah yeah whatever you say I'm almost out of the van and will be right there

Crustyman 🖐️🔪⛓️:
Good hurry up 🔪🔪🔪

"God damn it why doesn't he answer me, pain in the ass" I say in my head as we make it to the front gate 'I hate this contact name' I think as a walk-in

(Y/N) POV:
As I finally get out of the vent I can no longer see toga"God damn it where is she" I mutter out us to keep quiet "toga... toga... GOD DAMN IT TOGA WHERE ARE YOU" I yell a little too loud.'shit' I think.

Deku's POV:
~past time~
"Yo sero look at this" I showed him my phone with the notification saying something was up at UA. "Yeah that is weird we should probably check it out come on let's go" he said as we run to the school
~present time~
we make it inside and we walk to the backroom "*gasp* hi Deku-Kun"I hear from a very annoying voice "toga what are you doing here" "oh you know same as always" she said with a giggle as she lunges towards me with a knife"sero a little help please" I yelled dodging toga "oh that's your name sero~ I still like Deku-Kuns name better" she laughed at Sero wrapped her up in tape " what a weirdo" "yup" I say back to him "you hear alone or are you with someone" I say turning face toga "you should know that Ans-" "GOD DAMN IT TOGA WHERE ARE YOU" we hear someone yell "sero go check it out I'll keep watching her" "on it"I hear him yell back at me "(Y/N) LOO-" she tried to yell but I covered her mouth

"(Y/N) LOO-" I hear toga yell but gets cut off "DAMN IT TOGA I TOLD YOU TO WARN ME IF ANYTHING WERE TO HAPPEN NOT to FIGHT" I yelled out expecting a fight soon all of a sudden I was shoved against the wall "Ow FUCKIN CHRIST" 'what the hell was that' I think as I look up to see someone in a hero suit 'fuck hero's damn Toga you messed up' I say as I go to kick him in the chest flying them backward

Seros POV:
"DAMN IT TOGA I TOLD YOU TO WARN ME IF ANYTHING WERE TO HAPPEN NOT to FIGHT" I hear someone yell as I turn the corner to see a villain without thinking I shove them into the wall"Ow FUCKIN CHRIST" I hear him let out. He stares at me for a minute before kicking my chest sending me flying back. I hit my head on the wall cracking my helmet off "Shit" I say as I get up getting into another fighting position as they come running at me punching me in the stomach I punched them back hard in the face and they go flying back and hit the wall again I use my tape to pin them to the wall I yell at them"LOOK AT ME TELL ME WHY ARE YOU HERE" they look up and make eye contact with me

Y/N and Seros POV:
"What the hell" we both say at the same time looking into each other's eyes.

A/N: so this was my first time trying to write from a male POV please tell me how I did and if you have any requests don't be afraid to ask author-chan out😜

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