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T h i r d
P e r s o n

"Jennie you look gorgeous,why are you so nervous?,"Her best friend,Jisoo says.Jennie gave her a tight smile.

"No,I'm not nervous."She stutters.I mean who wouldn't be nervous on their wedding day.

Jisoo chuckles,seeing the younger one drinking water with her hands shaking.

"It's time."

"Oh God."


Beautiful in white was being played,the place was like,it came out of a movie or place we all imagine to marry.It was truly magical.

Her groom was at the end of the isle,eyes filled with tears but a boxy smile plastered on his face.

Whilst,Jennie walks down the isle with her father hand in hand.

"Take good care of her,son."

"I will."He reassures her dad.

Jennie helds Taehyung's hand tightly.

"I do."

"I do."

They kissed under the full moon.And promised to be with each other forever.

All the people were happily dancing.So was Jennie and Taehyung,like they were in teens.

It was past dinner time,both of their close friends made speech for both of them,which was so sweet.

"Oh wait,I'll bring my camera.Let's take a picture guys."Jennie goes back to the room,where her bag was.As she digs into her bag,her attention gets caught by a small picture.

The corner of her lips curled up.

"Who's that?,"Taehyung asks taking the photo from her grasps.

"My first love.Not really though since I don't know who he is.I just have the photo."

"Ah.But you said I am your first love,Jennie."

Taehyung pouts.

"You're my first true love."

Jennie pinches his cheeks.

"We should go,they must be waiting,Taehyung."

"Jennie,i hate to break it up to you but I think I am both."

"Wha-t are you-You,you are that boy?!?"

Taehyung nods,he pecks her cheeks while dragging her back.


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