Captured Memories

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I read his next question: 'What made you want to become a photographer?'

Glancing at the photograph beside me, I smiled. I picked it up, examining it more closely. It was a photo of a young girl sitting on her bed gazing at her wall which had an array of string lights with numerous photographs attached to the clips. Placing the photo down, I reached for my pen and began to write. 

Dear Logan,

Honestly, I didn't really know what I wanted to do when I got older. Being a photographer was never a thought that crossed my mind, but the first time I touched a camera, held it in my hands, I felt something—it made me feel like I was holding the most powerful object there was. It may sound absurd to you or some people, and I had thought the same at one point. However, it wasn't till later on that I realized what I felt was true. For some people, a camera is an ordinary object that serves one purpose: to take photographs. But, for me, it was so much more than that—to capture emotions of life in that one moment in time. History and stories that are written are not as powerful to evoke emotions as a photograph. If you can imagine a painter, maybe Vincent van Gogh, what's painted on his canvases allures to someone to stop and examine what's there—maybe because they're reminded of something, or perhaps connected with the painter when he painted the piece. Memories are important to preserve, and knowing as a photographer I was able to capture them places me somewhere within that memory of being part of history. Photographers are the modern-day painters of the old world.

The photograph I included with my letter is me at the age of seventeen which was taken by my mother. It's memorable because it was when I discovered my love for photography. The photos on my wall were various things from strangers to a cat sleeping. I looked at each photograph and I saw the simplicity of beauty in each moment of life. But the reflections of emotions captured taught me how a kind smile can offer hope to someone, how an ice cream cone can take someone back to childhood, how wrinkles on a face or hands show courage—all those things inspired me, not just to be a great photographer, but to be a more compassionate person and live life to its fullest.

Reminiscing and sharing this photo with you brought back a wonderful memory. It was a candid moment of an aspiring photographer. I hope you experience a similar journey with your camera. Look forward to your next letter.


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