Chapter Five: What happened to all my food?

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My head is literally pounding as break finally comes around and I couldn't be more happier. The lesson which I thought would be fun is the worst lesson.

I'm joking, no classes are fun..

It's so boring, who wants to sit in a class room and talk about where they get metal from, and how its formed. How they decide to save our lives as if it's not worth saving every life.

Well I cant really say anything, but still..

Plus the fact that my head is literally killing me due to that stupid smoke messing my eyes.

And then to add to my pain they thought it would be a great idea to do a poster, but in groups of 3

" Okay guys, so what you've learned from today and the knowledge that you have already obtained, I would love for you to all now get into groups of three and create a poster!" Her enthusiasm hitting the roof.

She was too joyful, to nice!

" Miss, can I make one by myself" I shout, not really bothering to raise my hand.

" No, you work in three's, I've already set the groups anyways so that you can work more efficiently.

Digging through her draws to pull out a white piece of paper. Glancing down she grabs her glasses that previously lay on the table and placed them on.

" Andrew, Scott and Ben" As the three boys smiled to one enough, giving fist pumps left right and centre.

" Kate, Sam and Lee. Niall, Mark, and Nia" As the girls started squealing. They must all be friends.

Then how is this efficient?, what is she on? How can we work efficiently when she puts everyone with their friends...

News flash, when your with your friends you magically become less efficient because you talk about crap. And useless things that really have no need to be talked about during a lesson that clearly isn't on the same subject.

" Octavia, Freya and Lewis" As I shot my head up.. Freya and Lewis. Naa I don't like the sound of those names.

As I stood corrected as the once's I'm guessing are Freya and Lewis ran over towards the back like lunatics.

Are they on drugs...

" Hey I'm Freya, and this is Lewis" Freya shouted, smiling so wide I thought her mouth was going to split into two.

" I can introduce myself, thanks Freya!" As he lightly hit her on the shoulder.

I don't want to be here..

" I'm guessing your Octavia, what a lovely name. Where did it come from?"

She's also introducing me, how delightful.

" My.... Dad?" I responded, however it sounded more like a question then an actual answer..

I mean KB gave me this name as Octavia, what am I meant to say. 'A stranger gave me this name, he thought it suits me'

Yeah, no.

" Well your dad has good taste!" She smiled, making me extremely frustrated. Extremely.

" And for a plus, your English accent will be loved by many. I'm so jealous!" Squealing as if she'd won the lottery.

As she got her markers and highlighters out.

" Let's make this poster the best there ever was!" Lewis grinned as he also got a bag of markers and pens out.

Well, isn't this going to be great..

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