Chapter 10

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I could not believe my ears. Junkai said he loved me. "But-"

I was speechless over his words that I could not move. I stood and looked blankly at him after his unpredicted confession. I like him – no, I love him, but I sure did not expect him to love me as well. I thought it was a one-sided love story from me.

"You did not hear wrong," He smirked at me as he walked away. He proceeded to walk the rest of the way to Melinda's house with his back turned against me.

Wait a minute, I thought – it must mean he loves me? I could not believe my mind – this was happening, and it was not a dream.

To confirm my thoughts about whether I was dreaming or if it was true, I nipped myself to feel the burning sensation slowly grow around the area – and damn, it hurt, I must say.

"Hey! Don't walk away from me!" I ran after him and caught up with him in my heels.

"Hey!" He flirtingly said to me when I caught up with him. At that moment, I was out of breath, so I did not do anything, but when I caught up with my breath, I lightly hit him on his head. It was not to harm or hurt him, but a friendly hit to tell him that he was naughty.

"Aw, don't hit your love," He made puppy-eyes while telling me that I hurt him. I knew I did not hurt him, but it was pretty impressive how he suddenly changed from being a cool guy to a soft guy within seconds. I must say that I was impressed and not to mentioned – amused. 

It worked well, but it was not good enough for me, so I played along with him.

"Oh, are you okay?" I scratched him under his chin like a dog. I was mocking him yet playing along as it was fun to tease him.

"Don't" He suddenly grabbed my arm to stop me from continuing. His voice got dark as well, and it sounded dangerous yet sexy. His dark voice showed his dominant side – the one that could kill you if that was the purpose.

I looked amused at him with my mind screaming at me to tell me that I must do something about this.

"Let's go," I broke the tense atmosphere as I began to sweat nervously, "we are going to be late if we don't go now."

He nodded and approved my point as we proceeded. The turn around the corner happened fast, as we within seconds arrived in front of the building set to be the place for Melinda's engagement party.

"Come," Junkai took my hand and led me in, "let's go, or else we are going to be late, even though we've already arrived."

He winked at me as we walked hand in hand to the reception for Melinda and her soon-to-be husband.

When we arrived, I saw a sight that made me regret my decision to come. It was a classic party that you will see in American movies – the one where everyone was excited, and there was light blasting over the floor.

"Y/n!" Melinda came out from nowhere and told me to follow her – though I did not know what was happening or what was going to happen.

As we followed her, we arrived at a more calm-looking room that likely fit the description given out on the invitation. She then turned around and told us that the party would start soon, as she will go and get herself ready. So, I nodded my head and wished her the best.

That was when I realized her body. It was so slim with the perfect curfew that would make every man fall head over heel for her. Not just her body but her face as well. Her body portion was fitting perfectly with her big round eyes and perfect red lips. It was naturally red – big but not too big.

She was all natural – not that I was not, but her naturality was to envy.

A few minutes passed, and I led Junkai to some seats with our names. I saw she wrote Y/n and her handsome partner on the seats, but weirdly I felt jealousy rise within me. I felt scared if something terrible would happen to me, something that would hurt me terribly.

My thoughts broke off when the door opened, and Melinda walked in her fabulous dress. It was shining brightly in the room.

When she arrived at the center, she stood beside her fiancé with a mic in her hand.

"Attention, please," she started, "I just want to say thank you for coming and as the host today. I am delighted that you all have come to celebrate this important day of my life."

She took a 360-degree turn at the center and stopped when she was in front of me, "and I would like to thank my friend, Y/n, to bring me her boyfriend. "

Her voice continued in my head with the word boyfriend. It was as if her voice was telling me something, but I could not figure it out, and it made me sketchy of what was happening.

I could not figure out what was real and what was not, as I stood hopeless and looked at her. Suddenly the smile on Melinda's face turned into a creepy one, and I could not take it anymore, so I told Junkai that I needed to use the toiletry.

"I need to use the bathroom for a minute. Can you please wait for me?" I asked him as he gave me a nod.

Then I went away and took my time in the bathroom. When I came back, I saw something terrible happen in front of my eyes. It crushed my world that I felt like breaking apart. I could not believe it was happening just as I walked away for a minute. But it happened, and I could not believe it.

I saw them kissing.

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