The 7 Dwarfs and Hoe White

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7 Dwarfs, 7 Men, 7 Brothers.

There was a cabin high on the mountains peak, in the cabin lived 7 brotherly dwarfs that worked down in Damsville mining hole. Every morning they would leave for work each brother picked gems,rubies, diamonds, you name it - they picked it. Though one late and slow afternoon there was a new tavern that had opened in the woods and it was right near their mine. As the day was going by one of the brothers Happy suggested to look into it, but Grumpy being himself voted against it. "We don't need no tavern hear in these woods," said Grumpy. "True," says Doc. Happy looked to the others, "What do you guys think?" Asked Happy. Sneezy, Bashful, and Sleepy all agreed in union."Agreed!" They shouted."What of Dopey?" Asks Sleepy while stifling a yawn. Happy turns to Dopey,"Well?" Dopey being his high usual self. "As long as there's women and weed I'm all in." Happy turns back to Doc and Grumpy. " Alright, seeing it once wont hurt anyone," Doc said.

After their long day of mining was over they all headed over to the tavern. Stopping to see that its called Snow's Frosted Flakes. "I'm tired and hungry lets just go home," says Grumpy. "Oh, stop your whining," says Dopey. As they all walked up the steps, Bashful pushes the door open. Everyone's mouth dropped as their eyes flew out, in every sight of their tiny eyes were women half naked or completely in the nude and shaking what their poor mother's gave them on the tables or on the men. "This is what I'm talking about," says Dopey with a sly grin. He then leaves the brothers to scorch himself some fine looking young woman. The rest of them all settled into chairs near the stage clear from the rest of the crowd. "What in the world is this place?" Asked Sleepy. Though just as he spoke the curtains on stage flashed open revealing a women with hair black as night, lips red as a rose, and skin white as snow. "Who is she?" Asked Bashful while blushing. Everyone stopped to look to see who was on stage. Then all the men and woman cheered yelling the name Snow White.

"Snow White! Snow White! Snow White!" Everyone shouted, then she walks she moves her hips she places her arms above her head, and all she was wearing, was but a red bow."Wow," all the brothers say at once.

"Amazing," says Doc. "Boys I think I found a jewel I want to pick at," says Sneezy. "I'm feeling parts I haven't felt in a long time," says Grumpy. "Now that's an apple I feel is ripe," says Dopey. "I'm not the only one happy," says Happy. "I'm wide awake now boy's," says Sleepy. "......."Bashful stunned honest.

The dwarfs were in heaven and they clapped and cheered each time Snow came and danced all over them, but sadly the night came to an end. However everyday after work they all went back to the same tavern to see the same act over and over. Though one night Dopey had climbed into the backroom where Snow stays, as he entered the room he quickly slid into her bed under her covers. "Lets hope this works," he thought. Snow then enters and cleans herself up for bed and begins to climb in. Once she's in, she felt a hand slide up between her thighs but she already knew he was there as she did with the other 6 little men. She moans, Dopey then goes further."All mine," Dopey whispers.

"So smooth, so soft, so rough and wrinkly...wait what?" Dopey stops and looks up to see not a woman with hair black as night, not a woman with lips red as a rose, not a woman pale as snow; but an old disgusting, horribly old hag with grey hair and black eyes, with skin wrinkled with boils. Dopey screams. "Well I say your reaction is the best out of the others," says the hag. Then she launches her old rotting mouth onto his.

Dopey walks home terrified, holding in his hand an apple she gave him while laughing wickedly. Once he walked home he stopped, seeing all his brothers sitting at the dinning table all looking at an apple in each hand...

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