i hate the way I get when I can't handle bad news

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"...we just...can't do nothing!..."

"...mommy... she dead?..."

"...honey...please go...living room..."

"...it probably...be the stress..."

"...we need...call an ambulance..."

"...stop worrying so...she'll be fine..."

As she came to be, she could make out the sounds of someone talking around her, but even though she tried hard to focus on what they were saying, they sounded mumbled and full of static, like they were coming out from an old and broken radio.

Her head hurt and her body felt heavy, she couldn't exactly pinpoint what was wrong with her; this was something she hadn't felt in a while and it unsettled her. She had always been so in tune with her body, even before she had been turned into a vampire, so being out of control of it always made her scared, she hated how vulnerable it made her feel and how she could do nothing to stop it.

Open your eyes, the vampire thought, but she struggled with such a simple action; it seemed like her body wasn't cooperating with her.

The voices grew louder.

"There's nothing we can do right now but wait for her to wake up"

"How can you be so calm about this? For all we know she could die!"

"If she was dead, we'd know already"

With all her might, she tried opening her eyes once again and finally succeeded. Everything around her was blurry, but little by little a face revealed itself, a pair of eyes watching her with worry.

Wow, such pretty eyes, in her delirium Bota focused on the figure in front of her, everything else still seemed a little blurry but her.

The most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on, Bora's mind went blank, Is she an angel?

Was she dead? Had someone finally gotten to put a stake through her heart and kill her? Was that why there was a beautiful angel right in front of her? Was the angel going to welcome her to the pearly white gates of heaven?

Bora shook her head -and then regretted it from the pain that came with it, a groan escaping her lips. No, there was no way she was in heaven; if the legends were true, vampires only had one sure destination after they died (for real this time): hell.

"Don't move", the angel said.

Wow, her voice is so beautiful, Bora thought as she stared right into the angel's eyes.

The angel chuckled, "Thank you".

Did I say that out loud?

"It seems like she hit her head rather hard, shouldn't we call an ambulance?", the angel stopped focusing on Bora and turned to talk to the blob right next to her.

"I think she is going to be fine", the blob said.

Stupid blob, why is she stealing the angel's attention from me?, groaning Bora tried to sit up, immediately a pair of arms wrapped around her and helped her up. She gave the angel that helped her a dopey smile, internally rejoicing about the angel's attention being back on her again.

Take that stupid blob!

"Maybe this will help", the blob said before Bora felt a warm liquid on her lips.

"What are you giving her?", the angel asked.

"Some of the protein I gave her earlier, it will help her. Trust me"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2021 ⏰

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