So uhm fuck off?

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Okay first of all heyo!

I don't know how to caption this,but I think that's perfect!

Fuck off

I often have the feeling that other people destroy my happiness...


Okay an example:

You cut your hair or something like that and are really happy about it and feel really confident,then maybe some other people don't like it.
And they say things like I liked your hair before,oh no or things like this,I guess ya'all understand.

Even they didn't meant to be mean,you feel maybe bad,sad or idk.

And maybe even you really loved your new hair,now you feel bad about yourself.

It would be so much easier,if nobody would say anything about it,because then you're just happy with your new hair.


You're really happy and exited about something,and then some people say things like....


What if....

And then you think about it too and the happiness gone.

So yeah just shut the fuck Off I guess

Just some late night thoughts

Maybe you can comment your opinion?and we can talk about it?
You don't have to,but I really love to talk about things so yeah!

Have a great day/night!


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