Human world

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Nayeon's POV

We're finally at the human world and the boss told us what we need to know like our new dorm, the mall, teenager stuff, and human food. And now we're here at our dorm it's pretty big and is just 2 blocks from the school, good thing the boss already enrolled us.

The boss gave us a potion so that we can eat human food and not be harmed by the sun, but of course there's a limit. The boss said to not eat to much human food nor interact with the sun too long because we might faint nor loose control of ourselves, but it wouldn't be my problem it'd be Momo's problem, when it comes to food she's like a blood thirsty vampire I mean except for the fact that we are vampires.

"So guys who brought the blood supply?" (Jihyo asked). "Not me" (Everybody started stating) "What?! I thought Sana unnie was in charge of the blood supply" (Tzuyu said irritated). Out of all of us she is the most hot headed but has a really soft side only to us, she's mostly savage to other people mostly boys. "Oh no! I actually forgot the blood" (Sana stated) "What will we drink now? You know that we cant last a day without drinking blood! and plus I'm hungry. (Momo said while rubbing her tommy).

"Here I think I have the number for the supplier" (Mina said while handing us her phone). "Ok Minari you can call the supplier and ask for the nearest supplies from here" (Jihyo ordered, I mean she is the leader). "That would take a week to arrive" (I said) "Yeah, unnie's right and plus where can we get blood for the meantime?" (Chae asked) "Why don't we hunt for our prey" (Jeongyeon suggested). "Then lets hunt later at night" (Jihyo said and we all agreed)

"Hey where's Dahyun?" (Sana asked) We all looked around she was no where to be found. "Guys found her! (Momo yelled from outside) We all went outside and saw Dahyun sleeping in the car. "She was here the whole time, how did we not notice that?" (Chae exclaimed) "Umm... maybe because she always sleeps and we got use to her not being with us" (Tzuyu said in a cold tone) I guess she's having a bad day, I mean she never wanted to agree with this at the first place.

"Umm, Guys can we talk about that later, I'm really hungry" (Momo said) "I'm awake I'm awake" (Dahyun said while yawning) "Guys the boss said something about a mall, maybe we can buy clothes there after we eat" (Minari said while we all went in the car).

(At the mall)

Chaeyeong's POV

"Finally after raoming around asking people we're finally at the mall (I exclaimed) "Wow! there are so many~" "FOOD!" (Sana unnie was cutted by Momo unnie) "I was going to say clothes but yeah that to" (Sana unnie said) "Hey guys look, I think it's a new restaurant cause of the many people in line" (Dahyun unnie said while pointing at the restaurant). "It's to crowded and the boss said not to interact with to many people" (Nayeon unnie said).

"But I really want to know how jokbal tastes like" (Momo unnie stated whining) " Ok, Momo unnie and I will line up while you guys can go look for some clothes" (I said) "I'll go with you two, I want to see the menu if they have anything I would like"(Dahyun unnie said while we go to the restaurant). "We're just gonna text you if the food is already"(I said).

Sana's POV

While we were looking at some nice clothes we bumped into 7 figures.

"Oh, What do we have here... It's so nice to see our beloved vampires" (??? said)

"Long time no see Got7" (I heard Jihyo unnie said)

What will happen to their encounter?

This was pretty short but it's only the first part hope you guys enjoyed. LOVE YAH GUYS! I will be updating again if I have time.

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