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"What are you—umph!"

He hummed against her lips as he backed her across the room and against the wall. His hands slid down and gathered her skirts up around her hips, his fingers skimming along her bare skin.

His other hand dug into her hair, pulling apart the carefully pinned curls and destroying the delicate, sparkling netting that had made her chignon shimmer mesmerisingly. He tugged her head back and pulled away from her lips in order to trail his mouth along her temple, pressing light kisses across her cheekbones, brushing off the carefully applied fairy wings which had made her look ethereal.


He silenced her again with his mouth. His tongue slipped between her lips as he pinned her more firmly against the wall. His fingers pressing between her legs until he felt her shudder as a soft moan escaped her.

He drew his lips back and nuzzled his nose against hers, pressing their foreheads together as he stroked lightly between her legs. Her hips bucked into his touch.

His fingers untangled from her hair. He pulled at her neckline until the fabric tore away and left her pale shoulder bare. He dipped his head and bit down on the curve of her shoulder until she gave a breathy whimper. He removed his teeth and traced his tongue over the reddening mark to soothe it.

"I need you..." he whispered huskily as his fingers captured the edge of her knickers.

She gave a quiet moan but then suddenly stiffened. She stayed frozen for a moment before slapping his hand sharply away. "You—dragged me away from a conversation with the Supreme Mugwump just because you wanted to have sex?"

Draco blinked.

When she put it like that, it sounded unreasonable.

"Well—you see—" he started.

She shoved him violently away and stared down at herself in horror before looking back up at him.

"You are unbelievable." Her voice was shaking with indignation. "You have mocked me for months, saying that I don't have a strategic bone in my body; that if I understood a thing about politics I'd know that the real decisions aren't made in meetings." Her eyes were beginning to glow.

"You said if I wanted the bill passed that this—this—!" She was nearly spitting. "This party was what I needed to attend! You dolled me up to look like some vapid fairy, had me buy a dress that cost more than three months rent for my flat, and forced me to spend five hours in a very busy day having my hair and makeup done! And then you dragged me away and ruined it all in less than twenty minutes—while I was in the middle of a conversation with the Supreme Mugwump—because you wanted to have sex?!"

She was nearly shrieking with outrage.

Draco reached up and loosened his cravat, trying to calm her with the very compelling explanation he had. "There were people looking at you."

She stared at him.

"Inappropriately," he added, in order to help her further understand the context.

She looked as though she were on the verge of strangling him.

He cleared his throat and steepled his hands, pressing the fingertips firmly together. "I think you're right. You should let your hard work speak for itself. These kinds of events are for people who aren't willing to do things by their own effort."

She threw both stilettos heels at his head before stalking across the room onto the veranda and apparating with a deafening boom.

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