Chapter 5

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Harry's P.O.V.

I checked the clock. 6:15pm. Shit! I totally lost track of time. We had a meeting with management giving us details on the new music video we are about to film. I dashed across the hallway of my apartment to my bedroom. I slipped on my skinny jeans, skin fitted white t-shirt, and grey blazer. I set my hair in place, sprayed the 'ladies' favorite aftershave and I was out of the door. It's 6:47 and I'm LATE!

Lets just hope that her house is close by. I grabbed my car keys and jumped into my Range Rover. I started to get nervous, my heart is beating fast...very fast. I brought my car to a halt, I sat there surprised that I'm still early it's only 6:57. I took a deep breath and walked to her door. I knocked and within 30 seconds she answered. looks absolutely gorgeous!!! Her beautiful long hair rested on her shoulders, her strapless coral dress made her skin look incredible. I was knocked out of my trance.

Jenna's P.O.V.

Wow! Harry look hot. I must say I checked him out a bit, but then I met his face he was totally checking me out. Which to be honest I don't mind, after all this is for him. OK he must be taking mental pictures now! It's been at least a good minute. 

"Harry!" he jumped and met my face.

"Sorry Jenna, but you look incredible" I looked down trying to hide my now blood red cheeks. I giggled.

"Shall we go?" he asked. I nodded and he held his hand out, I placed my hand in his and walked to his car. We drove for about 20 minutes before he blindfolded me After being able to see nothing we arrived.

"We're here!" Harry said cheerfully.

"Can I please take this off Harry?"

"No can do. just wait five more minutes." I did a grumpy sigh and slumped into my seat. I heard his door shut and a few seconds later mine opened.

"Here take my hand" He said

"Er I think you should take mine, I can't see where you hand is remember?" I said sarcastically. He just laughed and I listened to the most contagious laugh I've ever heard. He took my hand and helped me out the car. The walk could have been 10 minutes but I couldn't see anything. After a couple minutes, he must have got fed up by how slow I was walking.

He swooped me from the ground and held me in his arms! I just laughed. I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my head in his neck, His incredible scent flowing up my nose. He placed me down in the middle of a mat or something! He walked behind me and took the blindfold off. Finally.!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2012 ⏰

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