Chapter 2

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I walk into the coffee shops and wait in line. A group of boys standing behind me, I sigh. Immature boys, really? It's early in the morning and all I need is a coffee. and some peace! I stand there waiting and it's taking forever. Suddenly I'm forced towards the office man in front of me. I look at the man.

"Sorry, it was them." signalling to the 'kids' behind me. He glared at me as i gave him a apologetic smile. I sighed and turned around making it loud enough for them to hear behind.

"Why did you push me?" I spoke annoyed.

"I'm sorry he pushed me." the red chino boy spoke signalling to the boy with amazing curly locks. I glared at him waiting for an apology!

"" I just turned around with force; whipping my hair. "Ooooo's" were heard behind. I didn't care to be honest and I'm glad that they got the point.

Harry's P.O.V. 

Me and the boys were joking about  everything and I playfully pushed Louis and he fell into the girl in front. She whipped her hair around and I saw her face! She was beautiful, even when she was annoyed. Her golden skin and light brown eyes! Wow, I could stare at them all day.

"Why did you push me?" She asked annoyed, she wasn't happy! I felt really bad, so I decided I would talk to her hoping she wouldn't rip my head off! I pushed past the boys and straightened myself out before i spoke to her. Got to make a good impression on this chick aren't I. I stood next to her. There was an awkward silence for a couple of seconds before I spoke.

"Sorry about that...again. 

"It's OK, I just really need my coffee." she said.

"Well let me buy it for you, it's the least I could do." 

Jenna's P.O.V.

"Let me buy it for you, it's the least I can do." he just offered to buy me coffee! I'm not complaining. I make it look as if I was hesitant but I knew what I was going to say. Turning down a boy like that, no way! His gorgeous curls sat perfectly on his head as I watched him sweep them from his forehead. He wore tight blue skinny jeans with a white t-shirt that just slightly hung off his toned, sculpted body.

"Um...alright then" just as I knew it, it was our turn to order.

"I will have a latte please" he spoke. I watched his slender jaw move with every word he spoke. ""

"Um..I'm sorry I'll have the same" as he woke me from my trance. He obviously knows that I was staring.

"OK that's 4.60 please?" the lady said. Before I could even get out my wallet he had already paid. I laughed as he gave me a cheeky smile. Even though we just met I like this guy.

"Harry Styles"

"Jenna Spink" as I went to give him a handshake he pulled me up close into a hug. Wow did he smell good. I didn't want to let go, I'm guessing neither did he because the waiter was waiting there awkwardly with our drinks. We both laughed to each other. We grabbed them and I waited with him till his friends ordered too.

"We should hangout sometime." he said.

"I'd like that very much." I said as we exchanged numbers and parted our own ways.

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