Chapter VII -Ally Speaks-

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{Talking on the Floocall/through two-way-mirror/through Patronus}


Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

Chapter VII

Ally Speaks

Thursday, 31 July 1969


Voldemort woke with whispering and hushing voices. He sat up in bed and raised an eyebrow at his new children.

"What are you doing here?"

The three boys turned deep red.

"Daddy's b-day." Jim put in and Voldemort nodded, looking out the window to see the sun had yet to rise. "Daddy gets up early."

Voldemort stood and accepted the nightrobe from Ted.

"You want to make him a breakfast in bed." He argued and they all nodded. "Come on, but be quiet before you wake the whole house."

The boys grinned and followed him to the kitchen where Voldemort let them set up the oatmeal and tea for their Dad. They were arguing over the tray when Al approached Voldemort. He leaned down to let the youngest boy to lean on to him expecting the usual mimic game, only to hear his voice for the first-time.

"Lily. Flower."

The other two boys looked back surprised and when Voldemort raised an eyebrow at them, they grinned.

"Daddy's favourite flower... Lilu's first name. Lily Luna."

Voldemort nodded and snapped his fingers. 'His favourite flower... and his mother's name.' He added mentally. A House-elf popped in with the flower and gave the eager Al, who hurried to put in a glass with water and set on the tray. Then they picked the tray – or Ted did  and left. Antonin left his bedroom in his Healer clothes and looked back confused, only to realize what was going on and smile back.

Voldemort opened Harry's bedroom and let the children inside, ready to restrain the sleeping on the floor Wizard if needed. Obviously Harry woke up with their antics, but didn't react negatively: he actually calmed down instead. He sat up as if confused.

"What is this?" He asked as if he didn't know and accepted his glasses.

"Happy birthday, Daddy!" The boys eagerly put in as the man on the floor put on his glasses.

Harry moved from the floor onto the bed and accepted the tray, before setting it on the bed and hugged the trio close. He mouthed «thank you» at Voldemort still by the bedroom's doorway, who nodded and turned around to leave them and to go get ready.

When he arrived his own bedroom he saw Nagini lullabying Lilu as the first lights started hitting his window.

—Want me to?— He asked her.

—There's no need.— The Maledictus argued and set the girl back again on her cot. —The children like me even in this form. They don't even get scared.—

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