Chapter XV -Dumbledore's Bet-

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Annual b-day gift from me to you all

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Ner words in this chapter: 2,140



{Talking on the Floocall/through two-way-mirror/through Patronus}


Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others

Letter /Journal/Book/Newspaper

Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

Chapter XV

–Dumbledore's Bet–

Monday, 8 September 1969


"My apologies, Tom and Harry. Although, you two shouldn't be doing this in the middle of the classroom where any student can walk in and see." Professor Slughorn apologised.

Voldemort looked at Harry and then again to the duo.

"I fear that it was my fault as I was rather focused on keeping my Husband's mind from spiralling into self-deprecation as it sometimes does." Voldemort explained while Harry spluttered wordlessly. "I should have paid closer attention to our whereabouts but I was rather distracted." He wrapped an arm around Harry pulling him closer.

Harry gasped and turned to the other, who smirked back.

"Very mature." He grumbled and faced the two professors to ignore the bastard beside him. "Whatever it is that you two want, does it include me? I have a lesson about to start."

"Lesson?" Professor Dumbledore asked, finally regaining his voice back.

Which, sheesh man, I know you're gay, but could you be any thirstier? He thought sarcastically, only for the elder male to interrupt his own line of thought:

"You start next month."

"The captains want for them and their respective teams to learn my way of flying." Harry replied with a shrug, before he added before the man he used to see as a grandfather could say anything else: "As they should have been taught from the start."

The once ginger's lips thinned.

"Is your mode of flying more stable?" Professor Slughorn asked, interrupting his co-worker from reprimanding Harry.

"I can fly faster on the worst broom that Hogwarts has than if I use the other method on the best broom ever." Harry shrugged.

"Are you willing to bet that?" Professor Dumbledore argued.

Harry looked at him and then smirked.

"Who would you put to fly against me?" He dared.

"Minerva McGonagall, she's a Montrose Magpies' Chaser."

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