And so we jumped

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After that, we got bored. I decided to take you out to my favorite place. The cliff in the wood.

I pulled you across the forest floor till we got to the edge. We sat there with our legs dangling over the edge of the rock.

We stayed there all night then watched the sunrise. We talked about our pasts. That was a mistake I apologize for.

You told me so much. I can't believe all you've been through. I can remember your story so clearly.

"I met this kid at summer camp one year named Calum. He was really cool. I don't usually keep tabs on people but I did for him, that's how cool he was. We started dating. We were a lot alike. You see, we both come from broken homes. My mom was killed in a car accident, his parents were divorced. We have both had our fair share of abuse too. My dad's girlfriend used to abuse me and my brother. At school I was bullied and so was he. It was just too much for him to take. He committed suicide last month. Hung himself. So I decided tonight I'd try to forget. But look at me now, I can't even do that."

By that point you were crying. And yelling over the cliff. You were saying how you wanted to end it all. And the morning fog came.

You wanted to jump. Jump off of the cliff. Jump into the fog. You wanted me to go too. Because my past was just as bad as yours. So we did.

We feel nothing so we jump into the fog in hopes that we hit the ground upright.

We fell and fell. But I forgot one thing. This cliff didn't have water at the bottom. Just hard rock.

You started to understand what great peril we were in. You were scared. I was scared.

We hit the ground with great impact. It hurt. Miraculously I was still breathing. I was hurt severely. Unfortunately you weren't okay.

We feel nothing so we jump into the fog, I just hoped it was your brains that splattered not mine.

But now I wish it was mine that splattered. I wish that you were still okay. It's too late now.

We feel nothing so we jump into the fog in hopes that we hit the ground upright.

We feel nothing so we jump into the fog .

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