fifteen. [!!!]

632 45 24

[smut warning.]

what are you waiting for?

"s-seokjin, i-"

"hush, dear." the god silenced hoseok with his lips, keeping him pressed firmly up against the wall.

it had been like this since he got to seokjin's room; as soon as yoongi was far enough away and none the wiser, seokjin had claimed hoseok's lips and set out to his mission of kissing them for as long as he could.

the poor human's lips were red and swollen, but seokjin didn't seem to notice. and if he did notice, then he certainly didn't care.

ever since they had kissed the last time, seokjin seemed to have gotten addicted to it. that kiss was wonderful, yes. he loved his time with seokjin and the kiss only added to his good feelings from that day. but now the god was insatiable for all things hoseok.

"i really could just... eat you up," seokjin spoke in a hushed tone, his lips pulling away from hoseok's, only to attach to the human's neck.

this caused hoseok to shiver, to try and fail to pull his wrist from seokjin's grasp.

he liked this, he really did. it felt nice and hoseok was sure he could trust seokjin. but he couldn't help feeling like something was just a bit off about the immortal. he didn't seem quite the same from the first time they were together. while the other gods seemed to be improving from their underlying issues with time, seokjin seemed to only just now reveal his.

"can't we g-go cook something?" hoseok asked breathlessly, trying not to make it too obvious how good seokjin's lips felt on his skin.

"but then i'd have to take my hands off of you, and we can't have that." seokjin shook his head, his grip on hoseok's wrist ever tightening.

"but, seokj-" hoseok was interrupted by two fingers being pushed past his lips, pressing down on his tongue. his eyes widened just a bit as he looked at seokjin.

"hoseok, hoseok. did i not tell you to hush? all i want is to indulge myself in you. i held back last time, and found a side of myself i never knew existed. kind, caring, not naturally selfish. but i am selfish, hoseok. realistically, i will never have you all to myself. but this is enough for me." seokjin looked deeply into hoseok's eyes.

"but of course, i'll never do a single thing to you that you disapprove of. so tell me, hoseok, what would you like me to do?" seokjin asked, just as he pulled his fingers out of hoseok's mouth. he clasped his hands together behind his back and stepped away just a bit.

hoseok was panting a little, cheeks burning red as he looked up at seokjin, endlessly trying to figure him out.

hoseok could understand what the god was saying, to an extent. hoseok was similar in the sense that he never allowed himself to indulge in the things he most wanted. it was one of his biggest regrets- not doing all of the things he had dreamed about. not living just a bit more recklessly if only to try and find a sense of purpose. not putting himself and his wants first, even for a second.

if what yoongi had said was really true, they they were all "sinners", then perhaps that was exactly why a god could relate to a mortal.

but despite these realizations, hoseok's mind was otherwise blank. he wanted seokjin, there was no denying that. but ironically, he was still afraid to indulge in what he wanted.

as if able to read his mind, though he probably could, seokjin spoke, "what fears would you like to face today?" the god smiled patiently, and hoseok found himself falling just a bit more.

what was so bad about allowing himself to have what he wanted? what was so bad about not holding back?

nothing, he decided.

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