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people hide behind first impressions.

"can you explain how this is even possible again?" hoseok asked, looking around in awe.

he had truly been dreading his time with jimin. after witnessing the way taehyung behaved, all hotheaded and weirdly desirable, he was more than nervous for being around jimin, who notoriously made dirty jokes and suggestive comments. but so far, he had been pleasantly surprised.

when the god brought hoseok into his room, he was stunned. it was some kind of nightclub- very in character for jimin, yes- with purple lights and loud music and even people dancing. they weren't real people, jimin explained to him that they were just memories, since he had gone down to earth and went inside a club like this and disguised as a human once.

"all i have to do is pull the memories from my mind, and bring them to life again. you can't really talk to any of these people, or interact at all, but it gives the illusion of what it's like on earth," jimin explained for the third time, since hoseok was so dumbfounded he kept asking questions.

"i come here a lot. sometimes i pull the memory of a coffee shop, sometimes a park. it depends on my mood. when things get too quiet up here, i try to pretend i'm a human, doing normal human things in those places." jimin ran his fingers along the smooth leather of a bar stool before hopping up into it, tapping his fingers against the counter and gesturing for the human to sit down next to him.

there was a real-but-not-real bartender mixing drinks and making small talk with the other real-but-not-real people. there was even a couple in the corner making out, and a few people on the dance floor having a heated argument.

"would you like for me to make you a drink? don't worry, the bartender knows me." jimin joked, actually getting a lighthearted laugh from hoseok for the first time since they met.

"sure. vodka and orange juice would be great."

hoseok watched as jimin hopped off the chair and walked around to the other side of the counter, squinting slightly as he looked at the god's clothes, then down at his own. he was still wearing the exact same thing he had worn when he woke up the first time, and it was getting kind of uncomfortable, not to mention boring. but every time he saw jimin, the god was wearing something new. he supposed jimin just cared about his appearance a lot.

hoseok thanked him when he was handed his drink, taking a small sip. hoseok was a bit of a lightweight, but he didn't think one drink, or one sip of a drink, would really have an effect on him.

"what was your favorite place to go on earth?" jimin asked as he sat back down in his barstool, elbow against the counter and hand propping up his head as he looked at hoseok intently.

"my favorite place?" hoseok echoed as he glanced around, thinking about it. that was a bit of a hard question for him. there were many places he liked to go, it was hard to choose just one. "well, there's one place i can think of."

"tell me all about it."

hoseok drank some more of his drink and cleared his throat. "there was this arboretum in the city, it was huge, right at the center. there were beautiful trees and flowers, and a lot of activities inside there. there was even a place to make birdhouses," he chuckled, then continued, "and sometimes i'd just go in and walk around to clear my head. it was almost like every time i went there, i saw something new, even if i was walking the same trail every time.

"it felt magical to me, in a way. it was like a separate world from the life i was living. i never brought anyone there with me, because i felt like it wouldn't be the same. they wouldn't understand why i loved it so much. they wouldn't see what i saw. so i kept it to myself. even though there were other people there, they were strangers, and they fit into the landscape in the same way the trees and flowers did."

jimin was listening intently to every word hoseok said, finding it fascinating. he wanted to see it for himself, he wanted to drag his fingers along the bark of the trees and the stem of the tulips that grew. he wanted to smile as he watched sparrows perch in the branches, and small rodents scurry about in the underbrush. he wanted to see what hoseok saw.

hoseok finished his drink, and set down the glass with a small sigh. "could i have another?" he asked, and the god nodded with a cheerful smile, pushing himself up from his stool once more the fetch another drink for the human.

the mortal tapped his fingers against the smooth counter, the music swirling through his mind as the alcohol started taking effect. he had forgotten the way it felt to be buzzed, and to let go of his typical rational self for awhile, even if it was a bad idea.

he was bobbing his head with the music, watching people dance, and wishing he was in the crowd with them. he didn't care if no one could see him. before jimin had a chance to finish his drink and get back to his seat, hoseok stood and made his way onto the dance floor.

the music was pounding in his ears, as if his body were the speakers. he could feel the warmth of having all those bodies in the same space at the same time, but if he accidentally bumped into one of the real-but-not-real people, he couldn't feel a thing.

he slid across the floor, moving his body swiftly and in time with the beat of the music. he had always been good at dancing, it was as if he was another version of himself when he just let go and focused on the melody. he knew exactly what to do with every part of his body, how to keep his balance and be graceful.

when jimin looked up from behind the counter, he couldn't see the human, but after looking around for a moment, he spotted him. his jaw dropped open a bit.

the way hoseok practically took control of the music and the dance floor was, well, it was pretty fucking hot.

he carried the glass out onto the dance floor, smiling the whole way. he couldn't help it, he let his eyes wander all over hoseok.

"how about your drink?" he called over the music, drawing the human's attention. hoseok let his arms drop to his sides; his face was flushed, both from being embarrassed and from being tipsy. he took the drink from jimin and sipped at it like he had before.

"i wish i had known you could dance sooner," jimin smiled, stepping closer to him. the human just shrugged.

"i dunno, i like doing it. i don't need to think about anyone or anything else when i'm dancing."

he finished his drink after awhile and went back to dancing, but his moves were much more sloppy and careless, due to the fact that he was a bit drunk.

jimin had been standing aside, just watching, until hoseok danced his way over to him, not missing a beat. he grabbed the god's hands and pulled him close, dragging him across the floor so they could dance together, making jimin laugh softly. he let himself get lost in the music just like hoseok did, but kept focusing on the human and the way he moved. the way his body looked so perfect, so sinful.

"you look so good like this," jimin whispered in hoseok's ear, making him grin.

"you looove it, don' you?" the human giggled, slurring just a bit. he clearly couldn't handle his alcohol very well. the neon purple lights only accentuated the drunken twinkle in his eyes. "come here~" he whined, pressing his body close to jimin's in all the right ways, making the god freeze for a moment.


"don' you wanna kiss me?" hoseok's head lolled to the side. he appeared to be the type to get flirty while under the influence.

"maybe, but-"

"but nothinggg! i want you to," hoseok insisted, pointing to his lips and pushing his face closer to jimin's.

the god was struggling to keep his composure. it wasn't a secret that he wanted the human all to himself- that he wanted to be the one to touch hoseok and make him feel amazing.

but this wasn't truly hoseok. he was drunk.

it would be so easy to lean in and capture those sweet lips, to lead him over into one of the smaller rooms and take him, just like that. but he knew hoseok wouldn't really say these things so soon, no matter how much jimin wanted him to.

the god stepped away and shook his head. "let's get you some water, then into bed." he swallowed down the urges he had felt, and took hoseok's hand, leading him off of the dance floor.

what you see is not what you get.

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