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"Where are the papers?" he asked me. We were almost back to his manor, and it was a long silent drive.

Probably because of the whole controversial cheating summary.

"In my pocket."

"You don't have them."

"We've already discussed this. I have inside pockets." The whole point of going back to my apartment was getting my clothes.

Unless it wasn't.

I knew the risk of taking them there, and I have nothing to hide at the apartment. With all the men I'd taken there, there was nothing I could or would hide in that apartment. The most they would find is names I've used for bank statements.

Sorin would not have accompanied me with Jasper if we were just going for clothes, and I was too beaten up to think about it without getting a headache.

It does nothing to dwell on what's been done, so what's my next move?

Get rid of the Bishop's and get back to my stature before I came here.

Sorin parked the car in the front and a man stood there, waiting for him to exit so he could park the car in the garage.

We walked into the manor next to each other and she slightly leaned in from the side, his shoulder almost touching mine.

"I can ask as many questions as I want, because I can and you can't get annoyed. I don't trust you. You just have information that you're willing to give." He straightened himself, and adjusted his suit. His eyes never leaving the doors we were talking to in front of us.

I stood a bit taller, and didn't change the direction I was facing as I lied, "And I'm supposed to trust you because you kidnapped me from a club." My words came out harsher than I expected, not that it was a bad thing.

"I would prefer the term, imprisonment, Kresent Killer. Plus, under my roof, you would never be a suspect. You and I are of use to each other. I give you the connections and the kill, and I ultimately profit from them."

I could play the professional hardheaded bitch too.

"According to the Merriam Webster, Mr. Giovanni, that isn't imprisonment. It would be considered a mutualistic relationship in biology, except this isn't a species surviving off each other, it's two greedy humans desperate to no end." I sped up my steps and walked in before him, making sure he was left behind.

I walked straight to my room, where he appeared moments later. He stood next to the door as I sat on the chair he was sitting earlier.

"So now what do you want to do with the papers?" I asked. There were many ways we could do this, but we needed to know the best way to get it done anonymously.

"It has to land in the hands of someone who hates them. This part is going to be easy, because no one hates the Bishop's more than the small business owners of this city. If it lands into the lands of even one of them, it would blow up."  He looked straight at the corner of the wall. The way his jaw slowly clenched and unclenched, told me he was deep in thought.

"We can't anonymously hand out documents to people and expect them to believe it." I cautioned, thinking of the way the Seven were treated like celebrities with all the rumors spread about them. Headlines always consisted of something new about a family, good or bad the news always overdramatized them to get more people to read it.

Overtime, these rumors changed like stories orally passed down in the old times.

"But people talk of course, leave it at a popular gossip café, and you'll never know where it might end up. Another problem is how it might end up. Stories change overtime. We can think about it later. We start training tomorrow. We need to do this immediately, if what I'm thinking could even be an option." Sorin argued.

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