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You guys know Itachi's Little Visit, right? It disappeared. So this is it but with better plot.


Too much homework...Thank Kami-sama I finished it on time. 

An alarm rung, echoing through the room. I turned it off "And.........Thats time to go to bed."

I sighed, took off my clothes and wore my pajamas before resigning to the comfort of my bed. I've always loved sleeping. It gives me a chance to escape from life. It's almost like the movies  to me. In fact, I choose most of my dreams. And a lot of them are about Naruto. What I would do in Konoha, if I were an Uchiha, if some people had children, etc. For these reasons, I love to sleep.

So I smiled and closed my eyes.


I cracked an eye open before closing it, probably just some thunder. I can still sleep under these circumstances.

I heard voices.

"Should we wake her up?"

"Who the hell are you?"

"Hn, just wake her up."

"Guys, lets chill. I mean- Oh come on, don't give me that look-"

I sat up and looked around only to find six tall men in front of me. My eyes grew wide, stunned. This is just like my other dream...But about bandits...

"Uh, hi. I mean-Wait. Uh, you can have my m-money.  Um, p-please don't touch me. Uh-I-I-I mean. I am Sikh, I will fight you to the death!" I stuttered, a bead of sweat rolling down my forehead, as one took a step forward. I quickly jumped out of bed and went into a defensive position.

Oh shit-Oh shit-Oh shit-Oh shit!

Just look what you have gotten yourself into, Kazumi.

Then I heard a few chuckles.


,dasWKAo.;ozsidkvn, fjjjjeruiam kliau. heri383iry3a2ri

Kazumi.exe has crashed.

"I-I-" I was still stuttering

"Relax, we aren't going to hurt you." The shortest one said in his deep voice and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Thats the typical fucking rape line right there!" I backed the fuck away.

Another few chuckles came from the men.


"Hi! My name is Shisui, we promise. We aren't going to hurt you!" A taller man with a much more cheerful voice and held out his hand for me to shake.

My jaw dropped open "Are you kidding me right now? The fucking Shisui Uchiha! Kazumi, relax, this is a dream. There is no fucking way on Earth you are swearing this much and that there are six fictional fucking characters in my room."

I turned the light on. Oh. My. Shit.

"Fictional?" Obito questioned.

"Yeah, you and your fucking ninja shit needs to go back into that book over there." I face palmed and pointed to the Naruto Genin manga.

"Maa maa, such an uncouth woman." Madara chuckled.

Then my blood froze.

Oh shit!

"Oh come on! Shut up, Anija! Your scaring the vic- girl." Izuna glared at his brother.

Sasuke cleared his throat "Can anyone tell my why Uzumaki Naruto is on the cover of that."

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