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You wake up in a daze. It's your first day of college.

Your musical astonishment has led you to this moment of where you have moved to England to study abroad at this college so that you could get into musical production. You'd love to meet a relevant musician and work with them. In summary, you love music and the idea of it all.

Looking over at your alarm, you're astonished. 

It's 7:15? I have to be there at 8! 

You rush to get dressed, slipping on doc martens, some black jeans, a white hoodie, and layering a black Doors shirt overtop. Doing your makeup and tidying up your hair with hairspray, you blast out of your apartment, running down the street towards the campus. 

Your backpack thumping your back while running, you run on the sidewalk towards a subway to take there, where you see some interesting people. Most people on the subway look dead inside, pretty obvious for a Monday, but the whole aura of the train felt quite off. Nonetheless, you calm down from the running, where you notice how out of breath you are. 

Surveying the environment, you look at the people. An elderly lady sleeping in the corner, some teenagers listening to music in the middle of the train. One man in particular looks quite.. interesting. Dressed all in black except for a white the Who shirt under his denim jacket, his hair voluminous and black, his mild eyeliner, also black. He's listening to a Walkman, wearing a satchel, assuming full of books or other like items, but staring straight into space. He's very handsome.

You continue looking directly at this man when someone unexceptedly gets up, another one tripping you, making you fall onto the ground. Looking around you wonder what the fuck even happened but nonetheless, you're somewhat pinned to the ground due to the immense amount of people in the car.

You hear a sharp voice calling out.

"Oi bruv shove it. Do you not see the lady on the ground?"

"Nah, it's really okay. I'm just.."

You try getting up from the ground, but you're still pinned. 

"FUCKING SHOVE IT. The lady is swarmed," the voice calls out again.

A cold, pale hand reaches out to yours. You realize who's it is when you look up to see the man from earlier.

"I'm sorry, love. Out here, it's quite chaotic, and no one has a fucking idea of sensibility," he says. 

You stutter in response, saying "I- I.. um.. yeah. I guess I could agree." His green eyes seemed to stare directly into you.

"You're not from around here, are you? You have barely no accent," He says, almost laughing. 

He helps you up from the ground and now you two are standing directly in front of eachother. He's dominantly taller.

"Yeah, I'm from the United States to be honest with you. More from a flyover state, nothing going on over there."

"Why are you here then?"

"I felt like studying abroad and traveling kinda, considering I will never be able to any other time. So we're here for university," you respond almost hesitantly.

Why does he want to know so much?

"You're going to uh.. Northbrook?"

"Yessir. Might've not been the best choice but sounds interesting enough," you respond mildly disappointed. 

"That's awesome. I'm also attending Northbrook. I'm majoring in music."

"Dude I love music so much! I'm also majoring in music there too! What the hell."

"I could tell from that Doors shirt as well. Good taste," he responds smirking.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean..." 

"Nothing? I just like The Doors too. Jim Morrison is a lyrical genius. Sad to have seen him leave so soon," he responds sighing.

"Yeah, quite sad. He had good looks too.." You respond mildly blushing.

He huffs it off, looking mildly irritated. 

Was he jealous?

"Oh dear, I forgot to even introduce myself. My name is Y/N." You go to shake his hand.

He takes your hand and kisses it. He looks up.

"My name is Robert, but you can call me Robbie. Just like Robbie Krieger."

You blush, but respond, "oh shut it," while rolling your eyes.

"Well you're getting quite comfortable. Anyways, when we get there, do you want me to escort you? I'm a second year there this year. Already have an idea of the campus by now."

You respond, "Sure! That'd be lovely."

Getting off of the subway, you two walk down the cherry tree littered pathway to the main entrance, where while walking there he explains the campus and where everything is located. 

"When we get there, we'll get our schedules and whatnot. We might be in some of the same classes."

"Hopefully," you respond. 

When you get there, you find out that you two, in fact, have two lecture classes and a maths class together.

"Well isn't that splendid?" He says looking over your schedule.

Mocking his accent, you respond, "Quite splendid, innit?"

"Quit with that before you get punted," he scoffs, as serious as ever. His eyes lock with you and you blush.

"When will you stop staring? I know I'm hot but it's eerily creepy after about 5 seconds. It's able to tell you like assertive men."

"I- uh.."

"At a loss for words, hon? Bloody nice innit?" He says locking eyes, once again.

"Oh shut it Robert of Saint Wales. What's your last name? Let me guess.. Williams? Smith??"

"...actually.. correct," he responds quietly.

"Oh shit forreal?" You embarrassingly whisper. 

"Yeah. Quite basic to say the least."

"Oh.. not going to disagree with you there. Mine isn't really basic but it's not too interesting. Y/L/N."

"That's a pretty surname," he mumbled.

"I'd rather have yours though," You snickered.

Robert blushed this time, looking away.

"Who's blushing now sweetie?" 

"Shut it."

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