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* Y/H/S = Your Home State

After attending many, many introduction ceremonies for the college freshman and other like people, it was finally the end of the day. Earlier before departing, you got Robert's number to call him on the landline to his apartment so you can contact him later. Or at you least hope so. 

He might've just given you a faulty number.

That thought tore you inside and out.

Running back to your apartment, or at least of what you navigated to, thinking it was, it started pouring. The rain absolutely drenched you, your makeup, everything you were carrying. You almost started crying in that moment, but remembered that probably all of the fliers you got from the university wouldn't help you anyways. You're relieved.

In the corner of your eye under a bus station overhand, a tall recognizable figure stands there waiting.

Maybe it were a teacher? I recognize it from earlier...

It's Robert!

"Hey! Hey Robert!"

The figure turns around and brightens up.

"Hey! Y/N.. right?"

"...Yeah.. did you forget?" You looked distraught.

"I was just playing with ya. Just wanted to see your reaction." 

He smirks.

Oh my God he's so hot.

"You're drenched though, dear. Would you like to come back to my flat for a bit and have some tea? I have green and black," he inquires.

"Oh, I... actually.. maybe. I don't live too close, to be honest with you."

"Well, wonderful. I wish you my best hospitality. Get under this overhang though, it's still pouring."

You barely even realized. He just makes your mind... go.. blank

Getting on the bus back to his apartment, he pays for your ticket, where you insist to pay him back. He declines.

You two sit together on the bus where he, in the sense, makes a move for you. 

Maybe it was just coincidence? Maybe he didn't even realize?

You put your hand on the middle bar to rest, where he lays his hand on top of yours. 

After a bit though, you realize that he wasn't unaware. He squeezes your hand. You look over at him staring into the window at all the cars passing by. You sigh.

"You okay, Y/N?"

You're surprised he even noticed. "Yeah, I'm just tired... Kind of nervous?"

"Are you worried about being alone with me...? Do you not want to come over?"

"No, I-.. I don't think so... I'm just scared for the future. Just overall."

"You'll be fine as I'm around," he reassures. He now looks at you seriously, but now smiles. This is the first time you've ever seen him smile.

He actually has a wholehearted, lovely smile.

You smile back.

"We're now at bus stop 12. Get off if need be," the driver announces over the intercom.

"This is our stop dear," He says while getting up.

You two are slightly rushed out of the cab while others push behind you, and you're mildly irritated until you're jammed between two people, a lady in front of you and Robert right behind you. You... can feel him. You're shocked.

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