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Waking up today, you're rejuvinated. You get to see Robert again.

Dressing up and running down the street, today in a timely fashion, you catch the subway that you took the day before. 

You look around the subway for him but don't find him standing anywhere. 

Is he even here?

You can't find him anywhere in this cab. 

You look in the other two cabs available, but to no avail, not  finding him.

That's... lovely.

You get to the campus and head to your classes throughout the day nonetheless.

You finally get to your music class where you'd imagine to find him, where you actually do, but he's... ignoring you? This can't be. You go over to greet him.

"Hey... Robert."


"Are we... okay...?"


The conversation was cut short by the professor entering the room, parting you two from eachother.

Throughout the entire lecture you worry about what happened between the two of you. You still tread throughout the rest of the day.

Walking out, you start speed walking, then catch yourself sprinting.

What am I running away from?

You catch your breath under a cherry blossom, sitting there for a few minutes, and burst in tears.

After everything I experienced from him last night, how could he act like he doesn't know me the next day??

After wiping away your tears, and smudging your makeup, you get on a subway to go home.

You end up taking a nap, and missing your stop. Twice.

"Hello, Y/N?"

You jolt awake confused. 

"Hi, hello?? Who-"

You look up to see Robert.

"Why are you here," you respond blankly.

"I'm taking the subway coming back from the studio. Why are you here?"

"I take the subway to go home but I must've fallen asleep," you say rubbing your eyes. Your hands come back smeared black.

"Y/N, you really should remember you're wearing makeup before you cry."

Robert hands you a makeup tissue.

"Well, Robbie, I can't really fucking control my emotions sometimes. Especially when some people are being absolute dickheads." 

You look him dead in the eyes, where he flusteredly looks away.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I guess the same applies."

"Well, I would like a formal apology before I consider beheading you to the monarchy."

He sighs and responds, "My dearest condolences madam. I am deeply sorry for my wreckless ways and how I acted to you today. I didn't know how you actually felt about me or if I were a sack of potatoes to you. Please accept my dearest apologies."

"Goddamn Robert. Okay. Just don't do it again. Please."

"I wont. So, awesome, we're chill then. Let's go grab a bite to eat. There's a lovely restaurant down the street known for their soups?"

"Sure, let's go."

You two end up walking two blocks down to a restaurant. You don't know whether to describe it as fancy or laid back, but almost a middle ground.

You're seated in a corner booth and you order potato soup, him ordering onion soup. Once you both get the soups, the air is broken.

"Yeah, Y/N, I'm really sorry. I was quite a dickhead today, I can agree."

"Robert, it's fine. I shouldn't care considering I've only known you for a day. Shit moved too quick anyways."

Robert looks away flustered, and looks hurt.

"You really don't like me, do you?"

"What? Robert, you're a really nice guy, but you have to admit stuff moved quite fast."

"...I felt a connection. I'm sorry. Did I throw myself onto you? Do you not want this? I'm so sorry, Y/N. I didn't mean for any of this to happ-"

"Robert, please shut up. I really like you. Maybe it's meant to happen quick, I don't know. Just... lets eat." 

The table goes silent for a few minutes.

"Thank you for reassuring me."

"It's nothing, Robert."

You two wrap up and get moving again.

"Want to come back to my place to do homework? We'll be having our music assessment test next week?"

"Yeah, we have it next week. Sure."

Rain starts falling again as you guys dash back to your apartment, where you two almost slip and fall 3 times. 

Once you get into your apartment, you two just look at eachother drenched.

Robert starts oddly blushing when he looks at you.


You look down to notice that your entire shirt is drenched. 

You're not wearing a bra, and it's a white shirt.

Robert keeps intently staring.

"I- uh.." Robert makes eye contact once again. 

"...Nice rack? I know," you say with a smirk.

Robert gets even more red. 

"...Yeah..." he whispers.

"You wanna..."

Your voice trails off when he grasps you. A little moan escapes your lips.

Robert looks at you in the eyes then goes directly for a kiss, of which you return. You then forcefully shove him onto your loveseat, where he lets out a hard groan.


"Close your eyes or don't, but you're only getting this for now."

His eyes widen when you peel off your shirt to reveal yourself topless.

"Y/N... you look..."

"Awesome?! I know. I'm hot as fuck," you respond with a smirk. "I need to find dry clothes though so I'm going to go change."

You return in a black B-52s tank top and a pair of pajama pants. 

"You really are naturally beautiful, Love. God you're pretty." 

He looks you in the eyes.  "What do I do now though?"

"I'm playing hard to get, Robert. We'll find out when the time comes."

"Oh really? I'm willing to wait for that one if it be that..." 

He leans in for a kiss of which you get on top of him this time. You straddle him on the couch while you two make out for about an hour. The background MTV is nonexistent when you're with him. All noise is gone. Only you and him. You literally feel him hard, but you won't budge, at least this time. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2021 ⏰

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