Mischief (Part 2)

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Eren POV

As I open the door I am met with a tall, pale, and very handsome 17 year old. "What the hell are you doing here? I said don't come till 10." He smirks at me and raises a thin eyebrow. "It sounds like you don't want me here. You cheatin' on me with some twink?" He says in a harsh tone. "First of all, I do want you here, your just really early. Second of all, who in their right mind would cheat on a sex god like you? Plus, a twink can't give me good cuddles like you." After my lecture, I stand on my tip toes and kissed his cheek. "Now are you coming in or what?" He sends me a harsh but playful glare as I push open the door as a  silent signal telling him to come in. He rolls his eyes and smacks my ass as he walks in the familiar house. "Ya know, this is the first time in a long time I've come through your front door." "Yeah because my parents don't even know were together. They think that I broke up with you right after they told me you were a bad influence." "Well do you think I'm a bad influence?" I raise a eyebrow, silently questioning his teasing tone. "And what if I do? It's not like your gonna do anything about it."

Next thing I know I'm being pounded into without mercy as I plead with Levi to stop or at least slow down. Now I would tell you the whole story, but that's for another time. 

                                          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hangi POV (SUPRISE SHAWTAYYYY!!! Wasn't expecting that were you? ~(>3<)~)

I skip up to Eren's house with the rest of our friends following close behind. As we get closer to his door, Petra points out something. "Isn't that Levi's car?" she questions with a hint of jealousy in her very high pitched and annoying voice. "Yeah I think so. Why would he be here though?" I thought about different reasons why Levi would come over to Eren's house. Maybe he wanted to study. But Eren isn't the smartest person. He also doesn't really give a fuck if he fails or not. Neither does Levi. I honestly can't believe they've gone through school without failing one grade. Since that's out of the question, maybe they're gonna play a prank on us? But Levi is to much a of a grumpy pants for that. Or maybe..... OMG!!! "OH MY GOD GUYS I THINK I KNOW WHY!!! REMEMBER THAT BET I MADE WITH YOU PETRA!?!?" I yelled as if they were 60 yards away "First of all..." Petra starts off while removing her hands from her once covered ears. "Shut the fuck up" She then put her hands on her (non-existing ) hips "Second of all, which bet you crazy bitch. You've made alot. Oh and by the way you owe me 20 bucks from that last one I won." "First of all..." I said copying her "THIS crazy bitch ain't givin' you shit" "Second of all, I'm talking about the one about Eren and Levi being together!!"

Eren's POV

As I slowly wake up I hear loud snores and mumbling. Already knowing who it was I rolled my eyes and smiled slightly. Now Levi might be sexy, and he might have a 11 inch cock, but Jesus Christ that man snores like a dying pig. But anyways as I start to sit up I feel a stabbing pain through my hips. "Holy shit that hurts like a bitch" I hiss as I try to move my halfway numb legs. Before I could wake up the giant snoring mammoth of a man that's holding me down, I hear loud "whispering" in my kitchen. "Shut the hell up you tree hugger. I'm trying to find the bedroom" "Oh fuck off. It was one time. And I wasn't even hugging it I was-" "I THINK I FOUN- I mean I think I found it!!" I quickly start to shake Levi awake and tell him that there's at least two crazy people in my house. 

"*whispering* WAKE THE FUCK UP YOU BIG BITCH!! THERE'S SOMEBODY IN THE HOU-" Suddenly the door to my room slams open and I see some of the most annoying people I've ever had the "pleasure" of being friends with. At the same time my lovely boyfriend woke up out his dream. "DON'T YOU SEE THESE BIG ASS TREES BABY DICK!?" In the process he threw me over the side of the bed. "AHH *thump*" "AAHAHAH I KNEW YOU TWO HAD SOMETHING GOING ON!!" By this time I had got back on the bed and Levi had woken up fully. "GET THE HELL OUT YOU CRAZY PIECES OF SHIT!!" They all walk out, some squealing and others mumbling random shit.

Levi sits up and sighs "Were fucked" "No shit. And can you get that snoring problem checked? It's a bit..... nasty.... sounding. *thump* FUCK YOU!!! MISS PIGGY"




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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2021 ⏰

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