02. With Good Reason

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It was a busy day with the Weasley's at the house. Molly was keeping the kitchen warm while her boys (and girl) roamed the house. Hermione Granger had arrived on the arm of Arthur Weasley, who had collected her from her parents' house. Calliope had no qualms with Hermione although the girl had always turned up her nose at the other's attitude, that wasn't a particular adverse or unique reaction to Calliope at all, so she couldn't blame her. She did not speak to the others in the house, opting to help Molly clean dishes as she cooked enough for the Order of the Phoenix to have a feast four times over.

"I get nervous, you know, when we get together like this," Molly whispered to her as she whisked her wand while Calliope washed dishes by hand, "Never know who's listening' in a crowd, but cooking keeps the mind clear, even if it's just waving a wand."

Calliope actually liked Molly Weasley quite a bit which was not something she could say for many people. It was impossible not to like the woman, not when she was giving Calliope something she had so soon lost. She knew Molly likely only paid attention to her so much because of what had happened, but she would appreciate it nonetheless.

The sound of the door opening and closing could be heard along with a muddle of new voices and Molly perked up at the sound, saying, "That ought to be the others, all right, you scurry go mingle with the other children, we've got business to attend to, I'm afraid."

The others included Mad-Eye Moody, Nymphadora Tonks, Kinglsey Shacklebolt, Remus Lupin, some other Order members Calliope hadn't met yet, and none other than Harry Potter. There were very few times during their four years of schooling that Calliope had ever spoken to the boy, but he seemed to be at the height of trouble every single year and that was something Calliope did not need to involve herself in. Calliope did not even let Harry meet her eyes as she went to head up the stairs to her own room (well, it wasn't really hers, but still), trying to avoid everyone else as much as possible.

Below, she heard Molly say, "Harry, dear go on upstairs -- quietly if you please. They're all up there, try not to bug Cal on your way up." Calliope flinched at the nickname but nonetheless said nothing as she brushed past Hermione and Ron on the landing as they greeted their friend. In the doorway of her room, she watched as Hermione engulfed Harry in a hug. It would be nice to have friends like that, Calliope supposed, but apparently, that life hadn't been cut out for her.

The three of them were about to enter the room they had been set up in when Ron lingered in the doorway, speaking his first real words to Calliope since he had arrived, "You can join us, you know. I'm sure they wouldn't mind."

Calliope was almost taken aback by the invitation, but she made sure not to let it show on her face as she shook her head immediately, "I'm better alone, thank you, though."

LONELY LOVE ━ Ron WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now