03. A Crack in the Door

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The house is tense and silent with Harry and Mr. Weasley absent. Despite the density, Calliope likes it when it's like this. Quiet was something she was used to with just Sirius around. However, she did feel bad for Hermione and Ron. After all, their friend was about to possibly get expelled from Hogwarts. She could hear them pacing and discussing in the room next to her. Calliope paced around her own room, contemplating. She could socialize with kids her own age, but that requires socializing. She could sit silently in her room until Harry arrived home with the verdict. That seemed to be the option she was leaning towards. However, hearing Ron and Hermione arguing about the possible outcomes next door was slowly driving her insane

She huffed, opening her door and marching to the next door over, knocking swiftly. The door swung open to reveal Hermione, looking disheveled with her hair tied up, but strands still flying all over the place. Her eyes widened when she realized who was at the door, taking a minute to say anything.

"Calliope, uh, what's... what's up?" Hermione asked with a small, almost nervous chuckle. Calliope didn't think she was that intimidating. She just had a resting expression that looked like she wanted to murder everyone in the room, but she couldn't help it.

"I can hear you guys through the wall and you're also hogging the literal only room with a record player so I can't even drown you out," she commented, pushing past Hermione into the room. Whereas she had her own room, it seemed the three of them were all sharing this one, but knowing how close they were, that was probably how they liked it. She wondered what it would be like to have people she was that close with that she never wanted to be apart from them.

"Well, to be fair, mate, Harry's kind of about to get expelled, so we're a little worried," Ron piped up, looking confused that Calliope was interacting with them voluntarily. She was a little confused too, but she was going insane in this house and Molly had other things to worry about than keeping her entertained, so, Ron and Hermione it was.

The girl ignored them, going over to the shelf in the room with all the records stacked on it, sifting through them before pulling one out, "Listen, there's nothing you can do for him now, all you've gotta do is put trust in the ministry -- loaded statement, I know -- and wait until he gets back. Until then, arguing with each other about what might happen is useless and will only make you feel worse. So, we are going to listen to some music and we're not gonna talk. If we do talk, it'll be about something other than Harry bloody Potter. Sound good?"

"Has anyone ever told you you're a bit blunt, Calliope?" Hermione asked. She sounded annoyed, but when Calliope looked over her shoulder at the girl, she saw her thin lips were forming a small smile. The brunette only shrugged, placing her favorite Pink Floyd record on the player.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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