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        I always assumed it would come to
           like a child always ends up back
                in their mother's embrace.
                       No matter what.
       But I wasn't prepared for it to come
                            to me now.
                          How unlucky.


Walking into class was a simple task. But walking in and ignoring the shenanigans going on in the cubic jail, was a difficult feat.

The usual was going on. The short browned haired girl stood up tall, despite her actual height only average compared to the rest of the class; and teased. Teased to her heart's content.

Whilst being ignored by every single person in a mile radius

She wore the usual uniform for our school, like everyone else in our class. A plain white shirt with a black button up office shirt slid over it, the sleeves reaching just above her elbows. A red tie accompanied the so far plain outfit, providing a splash of color. The colors were simple yet eye catching; black, red, and white. A common combination. Once I had dragged myself into the classroom, I dragged a chair towards me. The legs screeched as they were dragged noisily across the floor, and I sat the chair down on all fours once I had enough room to squeeze in to sit down.

Almost instantaneously, she appeared. Kind of like a ghost. She tilted her head so her hair fell down from its place on her shoulders, obscuring my vision ahead of me where the board laid on the wall.

She smiled, not saying anything. I shield back, awkwardly, and shooed her away like a pest. Seeming to get the idea, her head came back up along with her hair, which came to rest at her shoulders once more.

Then the bell.

Everyone who had since then been chatting stopped abruptly, and the chattering engulfing the room disappeared all together. As the bell rang out one final time in its last attempts to get us all in our respective classrooms, our teacher walked in with heavy footsteps that dragged across the floor.

She seemed as done with us as we were with this whole learning experience.

I wouldn't blame her.

Transitioning into the class wasn't difficult, we were just advised to get out our journals and copy down what had been set up in the display atop her desk. This was being showcased with the help of the projecter. Soon, her voice echoed around the room, asking if we had all finished. A wave of collective nods and 'yes' rushed around the room, and she nodded bringing her glasses up from where they had fallen down her nose.

She stood up, a large stack of papers present in her hands. She strode towards each individual desk with a student sat at it, and plopped the paper down in front of them. Once she had finished, she sat down at her desk. All she said to do was do the paper as seen, so all of us dived in.

Ah- it would probably be mandatory to write down my name. Wouldn't want a 0 in the grade book for that. My mom would fret over it for longer than I could throw her. And I can't even throw her.

Ready to get this assignment over with, I wrote the following in the name blank that stretched across the top left half of the paper;

{𝕖𝕣𝕣𝕠𝕣𝟙𝟘𝟜; 𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕞 𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕟𝕠𝕥 𝕗𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕕}


Come to me, like water always
comes down to the earth.
Let me be your driving force, your gravity.
Return to me, as the earth needs its water to sustain itself.


Hahaha! This has been fun!

I've began to pester everyone else once more. They're ignoring me for some reason. How strange! Even when personal space is invaded, I am simply disregarded. One person seems to notice me, though. They're quite similar to me actually! Well- no not similar. Similar in looks. Yes, that! Both shoulder length brown hair, dark brown eyes. The blandest of the bland. Cut from the same paper, if you will.

Finally, the loud ding(!) sounds, and I'm in my seat. Now Miss teacher is passing the papers the class is needed to do today. It's always different ones everyday huh?

She's skipped over me again.

They haven't seemed to notice, that girl. Or boy. You never know! I stare down at my hand. Oh- I understand; I have no pencil or writing utensils, so why would the teacher give me papers? No wasting paper protocol?

They've noticed.

I'm not sure what's going through their head, but they stare at me blankly. What? Like what you see or something? Their gaze travels down to my desk, which is empty. Hey! Shouldn't you be working on your paper? As if summoned from thoughts, the teacher calls them out which makes them quickly snap back.

Yeah! Keep up with your work! I stand up and walk out. No one notices anyways, so why bother being secretive about it? Hard to be secretive about walking out of a room in front of a whole class anyways! The student from earlier looks up at me when I walk past them. They seem to be the only one to acknowledge my absence once I'm out of the room completely..

Oh dear! It's gotten dark very quickly- I look around. It seems like the sun has gone down maybe two hours ago? Hmmmm..! Anyhow, I peek back into the classroom. Ah- no one. I mean, who would be here at this time haha! I don't want to leave the school, but I guess home is a better option than here. Staying here till' morning would get me in trouble! Better dash!

Once outside, I am amazed. It feels like I've forgotten about the outside! How wonderfully amazing and colorful. I still remember the way home, after all these years of going to school it's been burned into my brain! Just like cattle when they're branded, with the markings and everything!

I'm deeply troubled by something, though. I've seem to have forgotten my identification word! Oh- yes, name was it? Once home, I realize there's a sign set on the door. In neat letters, the words jump out in front of me to explain what I'm looking at.

The Hukka household.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2023 ⏰

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