Happy Birthday, Louis

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T he thunder began about a half an hour later

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T he thunder began about a half an hour later. It rumbled through the charcoal night sky, crashing like waves on a shore. Louis stirred, but it wasn't enough to wake him up. The artificial breeze smelled humid as it took in the rainy air from outside. The sounds of laughter and yelps of shock filled the night as the clouds continued to break open and spill upon the entire city. The weather authorities had been calling for rain for days now, I guess it finally arrived. Perhaps this is what occurred when the clouds got pent up. Eventually, it gets too heavy, and it comes down harder than it should. I supposed even nature could only put off the inevitable for so long. Something gives in the end, the levee breaks, then there's no stopping the water. The flood comes and it makes a mess. But that's life. It's the risk taken while attempting to control fate.

I began to drift, finally feeling sleep wrap its tender arms around me. But I awoke, feeling a touch, someone gingerly stroking my cheek. It was soothing; fingers tangled in the tufts of fur around my cheeks, and thumb caressing the spot right under my eye. I hadn't been touched like that in a long time. Groggily, I opened my eyes and found Louis staring at me. His face was painted with an unfamiliar expression, one of peace and—


"Louis?" I grumbled. I half-expected him to stop as soon as I acknowledged him, but he persisted.

The buck gave no response, speaking only with his hand. It fell from my cheek and trailed slowly down my neck to rest on my chest. His fingertips ever so gentle as they combed through my fur. My body ached to press into them, encourage him to continue. Stupidly, I refrained. It felt good, so why was I depriving myself? Why was I scared? He wasn't the entire Shishigum out to get me, nor was he a giant bear trying to maul me, and wasn't a psychopath. And I'd faced those and worse. But one little deer puts his hands on me, and I'm frightened. My heart quickened in my chest, adrenaline spiked in my bloodstream, because of Louis.

Louis's palm felt feverish above my heart. I wondered if he could feel it racing. Fighting against my ribcage as if it was trying to jump out into his hand. My tail began to wag, thumping away like it was dancing to the rhythm of my heart. The deer moved closer, shifting his palm to my upper thigh. His breath was sweet and soft as it washed against my throat. He looked up at me, diamond eyes in the moonlight, face mere inches below mine. Any closer and my nose would have pressed against his forehead.

"I hate it, Legosi." 

"What do you mean, Louis?"

"I hate that it took intoxication to finally do this—to find the courage to touch you."

I drew in a breath, taking his unique scent and expensive cologne into my lungs. He was so close to me.

"You know I would never hurt you," I murmured. The way it was said sounded like a confession, a promise.

"I know," Louis paused, shakily breathing in. "I think that's what scares me the most."

I didn't understand his words. I couldn't understand the situation we had found ourselves in. And I had no clue what drove me to lean in and kiss him. But I was glad. I felt alive like a switch had been thrown. Brush that finally caught fire after so many sparks. Even in the face of possible rejection, I had no fear, only beautiful and unexpected desire.

Drunk Deer, Worried WolfWhere stories live. Discover now