SEASON 1 + 2

40 4 3

Pilot = 1 = way of the ninja
            2 = the golden weapons
            3 = king of shadows
            4 = weapons of destiny
         SEASON 1
1 = rise of the snakes
2 = home
3 = snakebit
4 = never trust a snake
5 = can of worms
6 = the snake king
7 = tick tock
8 = once bitten, twice shy
9 = the royal blacksmith
10 = the green ninja
11 = all of nothing
12 = rise of the great devouver
13 = day of the great devouver
                   Season 2
1 = darkness shall rise ( 14)
2 = pirate vs ninja ( 15 )
3 = double trouble ( 16 )
4 = ninjaball run ( 17 )
5 = childs play ( 18 )
6 = wrong place wrong time (19)
7 = the stone army ( 20 )
8 = the day the ninja stood still ( 21 )
9 = the last voage ( 22 )
10 = island of darkness ( 23 )
11 = the last hope ( 24 )
12 = the return of overlord ( 25 )
13 = rise of the spinjitzu master. ( 26 )

Whats your fav episode out of these?
And what do you think about all these seasons.

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