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After awhile of driving we finally arrived at really big luxury house
I looked at jiwon and he looked at me back with a straight face .

_" don't forget the rules "

I nodded then he got out of the car and handed me his hand to help me,
I took it and stand besides him.

He started to walk and, I tried to follow him I made the first step and I was clearly going to fall he rushed towards me and helped me up again .

_" jiwon I can't do this "

_" then I will peek you up until we find somewhere where you can sit "

Wow.....I wasn't expecting that .... why is he suddenly nice to me....

The next second I got interrupted in my thoughts by him peeking me up bridal style, I turned my face to look at him and he was having a smile on his lips .

He get into the house and it was full of good looking and rich people all just talking....... where did he bring me to.

People were just chatting and having a good time, and there was a calm music going around and some butlers offering drinks probably red wine or champagne.

Then I saw a young man coming towards us .

_" welcome sir, I'm really happy for having you here with us please enjoy the party"

He didn't say anything and just smiled, he then started to walk around the house until he find a couch but it wasn't empty, the people that were there just looked at him and they all stood up leaving me sitting on the couch alone with jiwon besides me

He was holding my hand and the other on my waist, I wasn't really comfortable with this,but not like I can do anything about it

Then an old looking man came to sit besides us

_" jiwon it's been so long, how are you doing, I see that you finally have a girlfriend ..... a beautiful one "

What ....no wtf I'm not his girlfriend I'm his dog like he said ... why did I thought of that

_" lot of stuff happened while you were in France "

He didn't deny that I was his 'girlfriend'
Ugh I guess that's what he wants

_" I see I see..." he then turned to face me

_" you know..... jiwon never had a girlfriend before he always said that he was searching for the perfect one .....you are lucky to have him" he winked at me

Searching for the perfect one? Was he searching for me ....... and fuck no I'm not lucky ugh gross man

" so would you like to present your self miss" he said

What do I do know , I turned to look at jiwon asking him if I could talk to him or not

_" go ahead " he gave me a smile
Wow this man can be such a nice guy sometimes I thought that he was always a jerk

_" I'm y/n Ahn ....Jiwon's girlfriend " I smiled

_" oh nice to meet you...you too have the same family name"

_" yeah isn't it crazy " I gave a nervous laugh

_" yeah whatever... you should join the others " jiwon said to the old man

_" I will... you should join too and present miss y/n to everyone"

_" I don't think that she will be comfortable with the tension and all "

_" I see... then see you around " he got up and walked away .

_" good job " jiwon whispered this words in my ear and I felt his hot breath on my skin and made me freeze

_"can I know who are all this people "

_" not now y/n"


Then I saw a couple of a man and a woman walking toward us

Then person after person started to come and ask jiwon about me and some business stuff that I couldn't quite understand and I was starting to feel sick of always saying those exact words
' I'm y/n Ahn and I'm Jiwon's girlfriend'

But after awhile a man came to us again I tought that he was going to ask about me again but no he whispered something in Jiwon's ear and he suddenly stood up and looked at me
He said

_" I need to go do something you stay here "

_" not like I can run away " I pointed at my ankle

he then walked away and went somewhere where I couldn't see him.

I just started to look around and judging in my head some of the people that were there cuz that's the only thing that I can do

Then I saw a man looking at me right in my soul , I decided to ignore it but he was still doing it after a long moment. he then started to walk towards me

He sat next to me and grabbed my chin forcing me to look at him, he didn't say anything and started to look at each part of my face and he finally talked

_" y/n...."


✨✨✨✨✨✨VOILÀ ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨

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