Sees Gavin's future wit Desi

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(Desi's POV)

I was walking and I bumped into somebody:

Desi: *walking down then bumped into somebody* aye! Watch it!

???: no u.

Desi: HEY DIANNE?!?! What are u doing here?

Dianne: thought I stop bye to see u.

Desi: well we made a little no good back-to-meet-each-other-again meet. Ha

Dianne: yeah. Have u seen kaylan?

Desi: she's prob in that closest wit Britton.

Dianne: *nasty look* u don't think there......

Desi: eww! No Dianne! Eww why would u think that?

Dianne: bc Britton is her stalker she will not let her get Away.

Desi: tell me bout it. She put bread in mii hair *points to her hair* n she always chooses her for her partner. I never get to!

Dianne: mhphm. C'mon let's go... *someones bumps into her* aye!

???: i am so

Dianne: mii name ain't Desi....

Desi: sorry Dianne this is Gavin.

Dianne: umm....

Desi: Gina have heard kaylan speak of him?

Dianne: oh yeah nvm.

Gavin: sorry.. Dianne?

Dianne: yeah... *blushes*

Gavin: cool see u in class Desi. *winks*

Desi: *blushes behind her book* GINA!!!

Gavin: yeah whatever.

Desi: *laughs*

Dianne: is he ur bf?

Desi: eww hell no! C'mon don't wanna be late. *grabs her arm n goes to class*


Kaylan: hey... Dianne?

Dianne: hey. *sits next to desi*

(Class over)

Desi: *walks to Gavin's desk* hey.

Gavin: hey des.

Desi: wyd?

Gavin: jus coloring u

Desi: nothing mind if I sit?

Gavin: nah. Go ahead.

Desi: so.. question?

Gavin: yeah.....

Desi: do u like Dianne?

Gavin: eww! No I mean she cute but not a cute as u...

Desi: *blushes* haha aww thanx.

Kaylan: DESI DESI DESI!! OMG! Gina! I mean Gavin!

Gavin: haha call me Gina.

Kaylan: haha funny... but anyway Desi Daniella kissing Mohamed!

Desi: what? Fr be honest...

Kaylan: if u cum look maybe I wouldn't be lieing to u as I am now!

Desi: fine I'll brb gav...gina *winks*

Gavin: ...cute...

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