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"You're lying!" I shook my head as Ariana stared at me with a jaw dropped. "How do you not like dogs?!"

I shrugged. "They leave too much hair around and always pop up at the worst time like.. taking a shit or having sex." She covered her mouth and she let out a loud laugh, her eyes closing. "But I don't know, I've only dealt with my ex's dog so maybe she was just a bitch like her."

I looked down at the ice cream cup in my hands before sighing and forcing a chuckle. I could feel her eyes on me and I just hoped she didn't ask. I truly didn't feel like talking about it. "Yeah.. Ex's suck donkey balls."

My gaze raised to her as she smiled at me, that dimple poking out again. "They do don't they?" When she continued staring at me with this smile I couldn't put, I looked down and pointed at the half eaten ice cream. "This is amazing, by the way. I thought it would taste like shit."

"See? Gotta try new things girl." She said and lightly bumped my shoulder with hers. "You're actually super cool, you know? I don't chill with a lot of different people because I typically stay with my group of friends." I grinned softly when she gazed up at me again. "But you're different."

"Good different?" She nodded. "Good. I guess it's the same for me, you know? My roommates are my best friends. I don't really go out much either... makes me anxious."

Her head tilted. "Anxious?"

I nodded slightly with a sigh, questioning if I was really going to delve into my mind with her.. why not? That seems to be the words of the day. "I've always felt comfortable doing more than talking. Like, playing football back home or being on the ice. I'm okay under pressure when it comes to doing things but speaking? Being social? It freaks me the hell out."

"Public speaking is scary.. I use to be scared until I started acting which literally forced me to perform with crowds of people. You just have to find your zone." I nodded as she spoke, her voice soft but confident. I wish I could be like that with total strangers.. "There's always something that'll keep you comfortable during stressful situations. Maybe it's your hockey, maybe it's something you haven't figured out yet."

"What's yours?" I asked and she smiled instantly.

"May seem cliche but the sound booth. As soon as I put those headphones on, I imagine being on stage and performing the song with all of my fans singing it back to me. That's why whenever I'm dealing with something, I take it straight to the studio and let it out."

With a hum, I nodded softly. Just a few weeks ago I was in the booth and felt like I would pass out. Kudos to her.

"Oh my moms texting mee," she sung out lightly and looked down at her phone with a soft giggle. "She said my dogs won't stop barking."

"They miss mama." I joked and raised up with my empty ice cream cup, then offering to throw hers away. "It was cool hanging with you, we should do it again." I said and she smiled widely with a nod. "Or come to another hockey game.. I can teach you some terms so you won't be so confused."

"That'd be perfect." She said with a soft laugh, thanking me when I held the ice cream shops door open for her. Luckily there weren't any paparazzi or fans since she chose somewhere lowkey. "Where's your next game?" She asked, stopping outside of the jet black GMC where her guard stood.

I looked up in thought. Where was.. "Oh, Anaheim actually. We're playing the quacks." Her head tilted in confusion, making me chuckle. "The Ducks, it's our nickname for them."

"Oh okay because I was gonna say, who names theirselves the quacks." I nodded in agreement before sliding my hands into my pockets when she took a slow step back. "Well, I'll try to make it to your game. Text me the time it starts, yeah?"

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