Part 1

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"cmon prongs u can do it-" sirius said "urg how come u can transform and we can't!" james complained "it takes time james dont worry" remus said, james tried again but all he got were antlers coming out of his head, the antlers then got stuck to the curtains of there dorm, "AHAHAHA!" laughed sirius "oh shut it u twat" yelled james, grabbing a pillow and throwing it at sirius, rumus and lily could hardly keep there laughter inside, "HEY WORMTAIL!" yelled sirius "yeah?" "hows yours going" sirius asked, peter came out and had ears and a tail, remus, sirius and lily were laughing until they got interrupted "padfoot when did u take full control of you animagus?" james asked "yeah when did that happen?" asked lily "last year" answered sirius "can u transform?" peter said trying to get rid of his tale, "sure" and then sirius turned into a big black dog "WOW" they yelled "AWWW!" squealed lily as she went to pat sirius, as she was patting sirius, she asked "awww, i wonder if he will catch?" sirius turned back and said "im not a real dog red, i won't play fetch!" he said crossing his arms "We shall see" lily said with a smirk, sirius turned back into a dog and lily accioed a stick and threw it "go fetch!" sirius sat there struggling until he finally broke and ran after the stick, he came back and dropped the stick in front of lily, she started fussing him until he turned over on the floor and lily started rubbing his tummy, sirius then turned back to normal and lily was still rubbing his belly "r-redd, s-s-tooppppp!" he yelled in between laughs "r-red im no-o-normal now!" he said laughing, lily starte tickling him and sirius was laughing "cough cough!" james said clearly jealous "oh get a grip prongs!" sirius said getting up, "c'mon guys back to work, the full moon is in 3 days!" peter yelled.

sirius pov-

james and peter got no where near transforming today, it was late at night and since remus is gonna be tired i said "cmon now then let's go to bed" "goodnight guys!" lily said as she left for her dorm, we all got our pjs on, got into bed and fell asleep, i can never sleep at night, i just lay awake staring at the ceiling, then it was around 3:00 am and i could hear faint whimpering coming from across the room, i looked around to see remus was having a nightmare, i ran to his side and tried waking him up "rem, rem, mooney?!" but no use, i lightly grabbed his shoulders and started shaking him "REM!" until his eyes opened except they were yellow, i instantly knew his wolf was starting to come out "shit, shhh rem it's ok, tell the wolf it's not time yet" i said calmly as i stroked his hair, his clawed hand came to my neck and scratched it quite bad, 'im not gonna let remus see that' i thought, "remus, it's not time yet" i whispered again and remuses eyes went back to normal, he had a few tears running down his eyes, so i lifted my hand to wipe them off and he flinched "rem, its me sirius, im not going to hurt you" i reassured him "o-oh hey sirius" he said, i placed my hand on his soft warm skin and wiped a tear away "t-thank-ks" he stuttered, going bright red, "anytime" i said also going as red as lily's hair "h-hey remus, do you want to sleep with me, so then y-you might not have any nightmares?" i asked going redder than before "o-ok" he replied, he got out of bed and got under the covers of mine and snuggled up.

remus pov-

"a-are you sure you dont mind?" i asked sirius "yes im sure" i got into his covers and snuggled up comfortably, i then felt 2 big strong arms wrap around me, i felt safe and protected,  "goodnight mooney" he said "goodnight padfoot" i replied falling asleep. i woke up in the morning to see if sirius was there and it wasn't just a dream, i looked over and seen his head tucked into the crook of my neck and his hands around my waist, i couldn't stop looking at the way his hair fell perfectly on his face and his long eyelashes drooping down and his steady breaths tickling on my neck, i've never admitted this to anyone but i like both girls and boys, sirius put that in perspective for me, i looked over to the alarm clock to see the time and instead i saw "JAMES!, LILY!, PETER!" i screamed accidently waking sirius up "udhdufhbf" he said tiredly, until he saw james, lily and peter, then he sprung up and yelled "JAMES!, LILY!, PETER!".

james pov-

i woke up in the morning to lily shaking me "cmon wake up your gonna be late!" she said "hmpf!" i said, i got up and she said "look at them too" "what are you on about lils?" i asked "remus and sirius, there adorable" she whispered, i looked around to see him sleeping with sirius, they were cuddled together with siriuses head in remuses neck and his arms around his waist "OI PETER!" i whisper-yelled waking him up, come over here!.

peters pov-

james woke me up yelling "OI PETER!" "whattttt" i replied half asleep "moony and padfoot are sleeping together!" i instantly woke up and ran to jameses and lily's side to see sirius holding onto remus "awwww" we all said together, remus first woke up and was just staring at sirius until he seen us, and then accidentally woke sirius up.

sirius pov-

"cmon lovebirds we have school!" james said "piss off prongs, morning lils!" i sai "morning remus and sirius, how did you sleep?" she asked with a smirk "oh shush" i said rolling my eyes at her, me and remus eventually got up and we were both a bright shade of pink "OW!" yelled remus as he tried to get up "omg remus are you ok?!" i asked running to his side "yeah im fine, just some things i have to go through before the full moon, it's not as bad as before, remember last time?" he said "yeah you couldn't even walk, is there anything we can do to help?" i asked "um you could h-help me get changed?, you d-dont have to-" "ok i'll h-help" i interrupted "oooooo, we will leave you too then" lily said dragging the boys outside into the common room, "i can do my trousers, i just need help with my top" he said as he began taking of his pj trousers, i quickly looked away not wanting to invade his privacy, "ok now i need some help with my top" he said, i turned around and grabbed the bottom of his t-shirt and pulled it over his head to reveal his bare chest, he had perfectly shaped abs, with a perfectly chiseled chest and his skin was covered in scars "sirius?" he said snapping me out of my daydream "mhm" i said "u were staring" he said as i went even more bright red if that's possible "s-sorry, umm here i'll help with this" i said as i got his blouse and put it on his arms and did up him buttons trying not to stare, i then got dressed and remus asked me, "sirius, what are those scars on your back from?" "o-oh just from where i've... fell... at..... home, yeah" if i ever told him that my parents beat me, he would be worried about me and he doesn't need more on his shoulders with the full moon in 2 days, what would he say if he knew? would he hate me? think im weak like my family does? no, he'd never think that, but im not telling him about that anytime soon.

remus pov-

me and sirius were bright red and then i broke the silence by saying "c'mon we have potions" "ok" he said trailing along behind me, i couldn't help but wonder what those scars on his back were from, it was obvious he was lying, i can read him like a book, but i didn't ask, we made our way down to potions with lily, james and peter, when we entered potions me and sirius sat down at our desk, the teacher thought it would be the right thing to do to make him sit next to the top of the class, to get sirius's grades up, boy were they wrong, in the middle of the lesson sirius said "hey mooooonneeyyyy" "yes" i replied "can u help meeee?" he asked "fine but u can work the answers out on your own" i said "sure", i helped him with it and he finally said "ohhhh i get it now, thanks mooney your the best!" "no problem padfood" i replied, then 5 minutes later i felt something heavy on my shoulder, i looked down to see sirius has fallen asleep on my shoulder, i stared down at him with a smile across my face, i then looked up to see james and peter had been making kissy faces and love hearts at us so i mouthed to them both 'piss off' with a smile across my face "why did he say i smelled?" peter asked james "i- what no he said 'piss off'" james said laughing "mr pettigrew, mr potter please do be quite!" the teacher yelled , when the lesson ended i had to wake sirius up "MR BLACK!" i yelled and he instantly woke up alarmed "are you falling asleep in classes?" i asked dramatically putting a hand over my heart "ha ha very funny" he said sarcastically "im going back to slee-" "oh no you dont, u can sleep when we get back to our dorm, we dont have anymore lessons, we would've had defence against the dark arts but someone accidentally called the wrong spell and blew the classroom up" i said rolling my eyes, "ha!" he replied. we made our way up to the dorms so james and peter could practice turning into the animagus and me, sirius and lily could laugh at them.

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