Part 3

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sirius pov-

it was now morning and remus was in his human form, i was still in my animagus form cuddled up next to him "hey padfoot!" he said clearly in pain "can u take me to hogwarts please?" i just barked as he climbed onto my back, i was very weak and in pain but i wouldn't let remus see that, when we arrived back at the castle he said "arnt you gonna transform back?" i just shook my head, i didn't want him to see my injuries "won't it look weird me with a dog? and dogs arnt allowed in hogwarts so really you dont have a choice" he said, i knew i had to transform so i just barked telling him 'ok', when i transformed remus gasped, i had a huge cut going down my eye that will clearly ending up in a scar and my clothes were torn and ripped, i had bite marks everywhere, bruises all over me and two deep cuts across my chest that will scar "o-oh my god, w-what ddd-did i do?!" remus said with tears filling up his eyes "rem it's not your fault i promise this is my fault!" i said "huh? how is it your fault, i did this?!" he said as a tear rolled down his cheek "you fell in the lake and i tried to get you out in my dog form but it wasn't working, so i transformed into my human form and got you out, you didn't recognise me and.... yeah, so its my fault" i said "im so sorry pads" he said hugging me as soft as possible so he wouldn't hurt me "its ok, its ok, im ok" i said rubbing circles in his back "are you ok mooney?" i said asking if he got hurt "no i didn't, witch is weird because every time i alway get hurt-... omg pads did u get in the way of me hurting myself?" he asked, he's pretty smart "y-yes but it's ok" i said reassuring him "im just a little dizzy thats all" i said "im taking you to the hospital wing!" remus demanded "NO they will call my parent-" i stopped myself "that's good isn't it?" remus asked "o-oh yes it's great i-i just dont need to go to the hospital wing thats all" i said "o-ok but im helping with your cuts!" remus demanded.

james pov-

"pete they should be back by now!" i said pacing the room "its ok james calm down!" peter said "yes but what if-" "hey guys!" sirius interrupted with remus to the side of him "OMG WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN- sirius, what happened to you?!" lily asked "we were playing and i hid in a tree, then i fell off the tree and banged...everywhere really, DON'T LAUGH!" he said as me and peter were laughing our heads off and lily was hugging them both.

lily's pov-

james and peter were laughing and i simply rolled my eyes, i hugged remus and asked "are you ok?" "yes im fine" he replied, i hugged sirius and whispered in his ear "i know your lying about falling out of a tree, your my best friend, i can read you like a book, come with me and tell me what happened" "ok, mooney i'll be back now" he said as i dragged him out "what really happened love?" i asked "well i didn't let mooney hurt himself because i got in the way of it, mooney fell into the lake and i had to turn back to get him out but i forgot to transform and well.. you know" he said "sirius, that was very brave of you to do, how bad are the cut- oh never mind the blood is flooding out of you!" i said "its fine, i'll get moony to patch me up since he is practically a nurse" he said chuckling "ok as long as your good, your my best friend, infact your more of a best friend then anyone else, just please come to me if u need help or anything ok?" i said "your my best friend too and more of it then those 3 loons and i promise i will and if u need me you know where to find me ok?" he said back "ok i promise" i said as he hugged me tight and i hugged back "go get fixed up then love" i said "ok thanks red" he said.

remus pov-

sirius came back and said "me and remus are going to clean me up" sirius said taking me to the bathroom "ok take off your top" i said and sirius went bright red as he took off his top, "omg sirius there are bruises everywhere!" i said "meh it dont really hurt" he said putting his hands behind his head, i was just staring at sirius's perfect abs, quidditch must be working for him because it's working for me, he was looking at me the entire time, i got a bandage and put it on him, i slowly looked up an locked eyes with him, he came closer to me as i came closer to him, james then said "U TWO OK IN THERE?!" "YES WERE GOOD!" sirius yelled, "umm well thanks... bye rem" he said "umm no problem" i said as he walked out

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