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[If you dont wanna read the whole chapter then their is a short summary down WARNING: this chapter is chringy as hell. Now i shall stop bothering you.]


Namjoon walker around the house, worried. He was still debating with himself if he should go and get @ PinkJinius, whatever his name was, he didn't remember it, or let him stay at the bar, completely drunk. After a lot of thought, he decided he should go, it would be a great chance to meet the person he chats with literally everyday. He always made him smile somehow. After a lot of self debate, he decided to be a good friend and help his online friend Pink Jinius.

He was about to go out when he realised he was still in his night panties. He quickly changed into jeans and a black t-shirt. He quickly grabbed his expensive car's keys and ran out. He couldn't wait for his driver now, could he? 

He quickly unlocked his car and wore his seatbelt. He started his car and started driving the shortest bar where is friend was. Soon he reached under 15 minutes and started looking for a man with pink hair. After whole damn 10 minutes, he found a man with pink hair sitting on a bar counter laughing hard, it sounded like a windsheild laugh lol. He could see the bartender was clearly getting annoyed of his talking. But he had to admit, it was cute.

Anyways, he went near the counter and grabbed Jin's shoulder. Jin quickly looked at him and made a cute confused face. Namjoon hesitated, but spoke, "h-hi, do you remember me? Kim Namjoon? Rap Daddy" Seokjin thought for about 4 seconds and said "ah, yes! u came, yaaaaaaay!" he clapped his hands and squeeled like a child. "So do you want me to drop y ou at your house or something?" 

"No, you'll know my address then! and it will waist deisel" 
"you dont need to worry about the deisel"
"but you will get my address. What if you kidnap me and try to sell me off for high price because of my handsome face?"

Namjoon gave him a weird look but said, "then what should i do?"

"hmm...take me to your house. Cant you do that for a friend?" He demanded and Namjoon gave up and decided to take him to his house. Seokjin stood up, wobbingly and as about to fall but Namjoon caught him. Seokjin blushed and accidently looked at Namjoon straight in the eyes and even blushed harder.

He got up and Namjoon held his hand until they reached the car. Jin sat on the passenger seat and Namjoon on the driver's. He started driving and soon they reached in front of Namjoon's mansion. It was big but not too big like a castle or something. It looked like a normal sized bungalow. They both entered, Seokjin with Namjoon's support. 

"Um...I'll take you to the guest room" 

"No, I wanna sleep with youuuuu~"


"Shh honey, come on, let's go to your room"

Namjoon had no idea what to do. He had never faced a situation like this. Without giving it much thought, he took Seokjin to his room. As soon as they reached inside, Seokjin looked around and headed towards Namjoon's closet. He opened the closet door and scanned for some comfy clothes. His eyes stopped at a 'pink' hoodie and a pair of grey sweatpants beside them. He smirked and took them out. 

Namjoon just stared at him, until he realised what Seokjin started doing. He removed his orange sweaty shirt revealing his toned skin. Instead of putting on the hoodie, Seokjin removed his black jeans as well. He then finally looked at Namjoon, who looked whipped. 

Seokjin, who was only in his boxers, walked towards Namjoon and whispered in his ear, "Let me see what that straight dick can do" 

Next thing, something clicked inside Namjoon which clearly wasn't his 148 iq and he went along with what Seokjin wanted.

-Shit went down-

-Smut Skip cuz I just can't I'm too innocent-

-Next Morning-

"OH MY FREAKING GOD" Seokjin shouted and quickly grabbed his clothes. They were stinking with alchohol but he still wore them and that clearly wasn't the best decition(my spelling ugh).

He was about to run out of the door but he suddenly got a strong headache and tripped over a small step at the door. He fell straight on his forehead which fortunately didn't bled. In under a few seconds, Namjoon came running and grabbed Seokjin as took him to his bed.

Now Seokjin laid on Namjoon's bed with a bandage on his forehead. Namjoon went to make them some breakfast after wearing some clothes. Of course he too was freaked out, but he tried his best to not show it. He tried his best to act calm, and he succeeded.

After making two omlets, one for him and one for Seokjin, he went to check on him. He could see Seokjin rising up. "w-what happened?" He asked in a sleepy tone. Namjoon was glad that Seokjin forgot. But at the same time, he was scared of Seokjin lost all of his memory from the hit. 

"w-what is your name?"

"Kim Seokjin" 

"any friends?"

"2 best friends"


"Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook, both are younger"

"do you remember everything about yourself?"


Now that's Seokjin for you. 

"you should go home"

"yeah I'm going thank you"




Yes people, it took me more than 2 months to write  there 912 words. I'll try and uptade fast btw this is gonna be trash. Now the short summary~ 


Jin was drunk at a bar, RM get's him, they go to RM's house, then smut, then Jin waked up and panicks and tries to run out but falls. He forgets what happened at night and then goes to his house chapter end bye bye. 

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