Makoto Visits

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Byakuya stared at the wall, a scowl appearing on his face. His cough was getting worse, not to mention, it was getting slowly harder and harder to breathe by the day. He slid down the wall and sat down on the floor, burying his face into his arms. He felt awful. Not only was he probably going to die from this disease, but he also wasn't sure if the consequences would end up being worse if he lived.

He leaned his head against the wall, a feeling he wasn't sure what, creeping slowly up through him. It'd been a while since he'd found out it was Makoto who'd caused this state of his, but still, here he was, trying to deny it. He barely even knew anything about the totally average student! What even was there to like about him? Well, other than his cute smile, the way that he spoke, the way that he- No, no! That was outrageous of him, he couldn't be thinking about that kind of stuff...!

He covered his mouth and started coughing once more. He'd been dealing with these random coughing fits. It was becoming much harder to tell when one was going to happen. He had slowly realized that thinking about the 'unrequited love' had something to do with the effects, though.

He stumbled his way over to the bathroom where he started coughing more violently. After collapsing onto the ground and briefly cleaning things up, he'd finally stopped coughing. The cough had definitely gotten worse. Flower petals were scattered across the area once more, along with smaller pools of blood. He sighed, quickly cleaning the remaining parts of the mess before looking into the mirror.

He didn't look great, to say the least. He looked tired at best, dark circles could be seen under his eyes, he looked more pale than usual, and his hair was messy. He sighed and glanced away from the mirror. He probably would have to leave sometime soon to avoid being seen by people. The night time announcement had sounded not long ago, and he had a feeling that would be the only way he'd be able to avoid people. He didn't want them thinking he 'wasn't feeling well' or 'needed help'. Because, he didn't. Simple as that.

He walked out of the bathroom and slumped onto his bed, all motivation that he had was now lost. He sighed and stared over at the wall, a blank expression on his face as his thoughts swarmed through his head.

Knock knock

Byakuya shot his head over in the direction of the door. Who in the world would want to talk to him at this hour? Who wanted to talk to him in general?

He bit his lip, had he just been imagining things? He hoped he was just imagining things. He really didn't want to interact with anyone at that moment in time.

Knock knock knock

He sighed, that confirmed his suspicions. He walked over to the door and held his breath. If he opened the door and Fukawa was standing there, he would be so enraged. He opened up the door, immediately snapping, "What do you want?"

"A-Ah...! I-I'm sorry... I didn't wake you, did I?" He felt his heart leap as he realized who was standing there. It was a timid Makoto.

He cleared his throat, forgetting that was most likely a bad idea with his ever-present cough. "No." he replied with a cold voice. "What do you want at this hour?" He snarled, not in the mood to talk with anyone.

"O-Oh! Yeah. I just wanted to check in, see how you were doing and stuff? No one had really seen you in a few days and we were getting worried. So I just, y'know, wanted to check in...?" He explained with a quick voice.

Byakuya huffed and turned away from the smaller boy, "Well, whatever. I'm alive, aren't I? Now leave." He spat. "There's no need for you to be standing there anymore, do you not remember how your legs work?" He sneered.

Makoto's expression changed from worried to slightly annoyed instantly. "What? I just wanted to check in on you! What made you think that snapping at me would help!?" He asked, bewildered.

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