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The bright light of the early morning sun blinded her for a minute, but her vision came back quickly. Looking around she saw an old ruined picket fence lining Doc’s house. Looking over the horizon she saw some buildings, people, animals, and ruins of old buildings.

She started her journey by walking down the small hill where Doc’s house stood. Reaching the bottom of the hill she stepped on to the ruined road that led throughout the town. There was a slight breeze blowing sand and tumbleweeds around.

To her far left she saw two signs each atop two separate buildings. The building nearest to her said ‘GOODSPRINGS GENERAL STORE,’ the building next to it said ‘PROSPECTOR SALOON.’

‘This must be the saloon Doc was talking about.’ Melissa thought as she walked towards the building with her bag slung over her shoulder.

Entering the building she immediately saw a wall dividing the large room into two separate areas. One the left was the main part of the saloon with some booths to sit and enjoy what you have ordered. The right side of the room was more of an entertainment area with a jukebox and pool table in the center.

‘I’m supposed to be looking for someone named Sunny Smiles. But, where do I start?’ Melissa thought as she looked around at the people in the saloon. ‘Doc said something about a note in my belongings; maybe I should start there.’

With that thought in mind, she walked over to the nearest open booth and sat down. Melissa placed her bag on top of the table in front of her and opened to view its contents. Looking in she saw a 9mm pistol, a weathered 10mm pistol, and a caravan shotgun stuck in the side.

With some closer inspection, she could see that the 9mm pistol was pretty worn and in worse condition than the 10mm. Both the caravan shotgun and the 10mm pistol looked well taken care of and she could tell that it they had been patched up several times.

After pulling these weapons out she could see the rest of her possessions, which were: a pair of binoculars, 3 small first aid kits, 9 stimpacks, 3 super stimpacks, 4 small boxes containing different parts for guns, a medium sized canteen, some lightweight metal armor, and 6 bobby pins were in a small pocket in the front.

Examining the stimpacks and the super stimpacks closer, she found that they were filled with a liquid that seemed to cause numbing where ever it was injected. Melissa assumed that this was to help patch up severe wounds without any problem of pain.

‘This looks like its a bit more resistant than this jumpsuit.’ Melissa thought as she examined the lightweight metal armor. Considering whether she should change or not, she looked around for a bathroom in the saloon. She came to the conclusion that the best option would be to change.

After looking around a bit she found a bathroom at the back of the saloon. It was a bit dirty and there was grime just about everywhere. But it would be good enough for her purposes. After closing and locking the door, she quickly started to change out of the bright blue jumpsuit.

The armor fit comfortably as if it was just another layer of skin on her body. Melissa looked at herself in the cracked mirror above the sink. Her burgundy hair reached to just below her shoulders. ‘This’ll be a hassle to deal with if I don’t put it up.’ She thought as she messed with a lock of her hair.

Thinking for a minute, she thought about what she could use in order to put her hair up. Looking through her bag again Melissa found a piece of elastic which she used to put her hair up into a messy bun. Using some of the bobby pins she tucked some of the loose strands of hair that weren’t tied back with the elastic.

Once she finished, Melissa looked in the mirror again and admired her work. Happy with how her hair do turned out; she slung the bag over her shoulder again and opened the door.

Just as she stepped out of the bathroom a dog came up and started barking at her. Melissa got very defensive and almost reached into her back for her shotgun when a voice called out, calming the dog.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2015 ⏰

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