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(Thank you everyone for reading my book, I really appreciate it~♥)

Maka runs down the steps of the school without taking a breath.
I have to get Blair to make another potion, an antidote if you will.

She was so absorbed in her thoughts, she didn't even realize she tripped down the rest of the stairs until she felt a throbbing in her skull. She was also face-down on the dirt, with a bloody nose.

"Ngh, nh, Jesus- Nrgh. What the heck happened-?!" Maka looks behind her at the last step she remembers being on. "Did I really just fall down 100 steps? God- My head is killing me... I should head home."

She limped off in the direction of her apartment, cringing with every step she took.
Can't believe that happened-

Maka put her hand to her nose, to see if it was broken. When she pulled her hand back, she saw blood covering her finger tips, and knuckles. Her nose definitely wasn't broken, but it was almost definitely bruised.

She finally reached her apartment. She has neber been happier to be home before in her life.

She pulled the door open, and called out Blair, hoping she was home. When she called out the third time, she realized that Blair was either sleeping or gallavanting through the town in her search for men. Maka walked to the back of the apartment, to her room and Soul's room, and saw that Blair wasn't in their rooms either. She groaned in frustration.

"Well, I might as well read while I wait for her to return. I wish I could sleep, but it's bad to do so with ahead injury." Maka sighed, and picked up the book she was currently reading. It didn't exactly have a title, because it was an old book, but Maka still enjoyed reading it.


After about two hours, Maka was brought out of her reading trance, when Soul came home. She turned slowly to the doorway, for if she turned too fast she would surely throw up. She could feel the blush creep up her face when she saw Soul. Soul saw her, injuries and all, and walked over.

"Maka, are you alright? You're covered in bruises, and your nose is bleeding."

Maka didn't even realize her nose was still bleeding. She had stuffed tissues in her nostrils to kinda stop the bleeding, but she guessed that wasn't enough. She sighed, and went to the bathroom to replace them. She heard the floor creak as Soul approched the bathroom.

He lightly knocked on the door before speaking.

"Hey Maka, are you sure you're okay? You seem distracted, and you're covered in injuries."

"I'm fine Soul!" She snapped. She hadn't meant for that come out that way, so she opened the door. "Sorry, I'm just frustrated and sore. But I am okay. Okay?" She smiled at him, but he wasn't returning it.

"Maka, you're hurt. You need rest."

"No Soul I can't- I may have a concussion!"

Soul chuckled. "Maka, if you can read for two hours, I'm sure you're fine. Now go get in bed, I'll be back there soon with ice. Go on."

Maka looked at Soul as he grabbed a small rag, a small plastic bag, and opened the freezer.

"Go Maka, I'll be there soon." He said with looking.

"O-okay." She said, walking slowly back to her room.

Once in there, she slipped into her pajamas, and crawled into bed. She didn't realize exactly how exhausted she was until felt her head press against the pillow.

Soul soon came in just like he said, and asked Maka to lift her head. He wanted to see if there was a bump on her head, and sure enough, there was. It was a large knot, right in the back of her head. Soul put the ice there, and let Maka set her head back down.

"Maka, do you need anything else before I go into the living room?"

"Water? Please." She asked, almost like a small child. She swore to herself that it was unintentional, but she wasn't so sure.

Soul grinned, and went to the kitchen.

He came back with a large glass of ice water, patted Maka on the head, and left for the living room.

Once the door was shut, Maka fell into a dreamless sleep.


The next time she woke up, by a glance of the clock, it was 12:54 AM. She moved her ledge so that they dangled over the edge of her bed. She tried to stand up, but ended up falling. Soul must have heard, because he walked in, and helped her up.

"Maka, what were you trying to do?" He chuckled. Maka thought for a second before responding.

"I'm not sure, actually. I'm probably hungry, I haven't eaten anything since yesterday. Or this morning...?"

Soul rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, yawned, and walked out of her room.
Probably to go back to sleep. She thought bitterly to herself. She sat on her bed, cradling her throbbing head in her hands, regretting trying to stand up.

About twenty minutes later, Soul returns to her room with eggs. They were scrambled, and made better than Maka's.

Since she still had her untouched water on her side table, Soul didn't return with a drink. She grabbed the water, and drank half of its partially cold contents.

"Th-thanks, Soul." She sighed, growing tired, yet hungry all at the same time.

"You're welcome. I guess. But don't be surprised that a cool guy like me can cook. They're just eggs." And with that, he returned to bed.


Maka finished her eggs, and soon fell asleep afterwards.

The next time she woke up, it was 8:21 AM and she was late for school. She would have begun panicking, if Soul didn't walk in, and explain that there is no school due to a witch attacked yesterday. Too many people were injured to attend and they felt no need for a school day, due to the small amount of uninjured students.

Maka looked at Soul, barely able to form a word. There were more than 2,100 students at the DWMA, and most of them were injured? She felt a lump in her throat. Soul soon became blurry, and she couldn't figure out why, until she felt something tap her skin. She looked down and saw water.
I'm crying.

"Oh." She gasped, tears splashing against her hands and blanket. "Oh."

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