The Mage And The Fox

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This is a story based (loosely) on the World of Darkness setting by White Wolf

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This is a story based (loosely) on the World of Darkness setting by White Wolf. This is slice of their life in between larger stories. Jennie is a human female, in her 20s. She's what they call a Dreamspeaker, a magic-user specialized in spirit magic.  Kit is a Pooka, a fox spirit. She's about 18-19 years in human equivalent. They have been married for a couple of years at this point and have traveled extensively. Proudmoor is an unknown entity that is the antagonist in the bigger story.

Hey Jennie... Jennie?, Kit says, spread over the carpet next to their bed.Yes, Kit?, Jennie answers, lying down on the bed, drawing circles aimlessly in the air.Do you remember how we met?

Jennie props herself up on her elbows and looks at the slender redhead on the floor.

What kind of question is that, she says and watches as a curious expression flickers across Kit's face, of course I remember that?

Kit turns to her side and snickers at Jennie's dumbfounded expression, her blonde hair framing her delicate face in a most cartoon-like expression of confusion.

Recount it, then. In your own words. I wanna hear you talk for a while. My tongue's getting dry from all the babbling I just did there.

Jennie laughs warmly and crawls up to sit.

Okay then, my little fox. Come up here and sit in my lap and I'll tell you.

Kit makes a sound suspiciously like a "yip" and makes a face that, if drawn, would use the number 3 in the drawing...

So, it was a warm day in the spring - May, if I remember correctly - almost summer and I was walking to my special spot in the forest. It had only been a few months since my Awakening and all of this was new to me

---Reeaaalllyy...? Kit said, tilting her head to the side and smiling deviously. Are you suuuuure you remember it correctly? Because--

Kit. YOU asked me to tell you-

But. I said tell me the story of how we met? Not that spring day when I popped out of the totem and scared you shitless-


You were, you were. I remember your face made this funny expression - and Kit flashes her eyes wide open and opens her mouth, trying to mimic her expression. Then you jumped into the bush and yelled and tried to run away and I ran after you and then I fell and you came back and then--

Kit. Jennie says, putting her index finger on Kit's lips. Kit, you babble adorably and I love it, but.. what do you mean we didn't meet that day? I distinctly remember never before seeing a fox-spirit...

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