Chapter Two

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James's POV

I don't know how much more of this I can take. The pack elders lecturing me yet again about finding a mate. They keep comparing me to my father, who at my age already had a child on the way. I don't care if he did or not. There are more important things to worry about with this pack than me finding a mate and producing children. 

We sat at my conference table in the pack house. I sat at the head as the elders surrounded me along with my Beta, Delta, and even my father was here. Just great. Sighing heavily, I turned and looked out the windows at the pack. Children just getting out of school and rushing home, walking with friends, or even walking with a parent. 

My attention averted to the current patrol returning. We have had to up the number of patrols and the number of warriors going on patrol. The rouges are getting worse. Some have banded together and attack our small patrols or even any pack members that just try to enjoy themselves in the territory. 

Its getting to the point where I will have to enforce a curfew. Not something anyone is going to enjoy at all. No one likes a curfew, but if it means keeping everyone safe than so be it. 

"I want to enforce a curfew." I called cutting off the elders talking. Turning in my chair I looked out at the members around my table. 

"Are you sure about that?" My father asked looking at me. His hair was a pepper gray and slicked back. Typical style he has had since I could remember. He still had a strong muscular build to him. Hell, he's only 46/47. He should still be Alpha not me. 

"Yes, I want the curfew to be 10 at the latest." I called and stood. "That's all for today. Get the word out to the pack about the curfew." I said sternly. 

"What should happen to members who are out after curfew that aren't the patrols?" My beta, Nathan asked. Sighing heavily, I watched the members moving around outside. "They will be escorted home. If they resist you will force them home." I said sternly and left the room. 

I hate how everything I say or suggest gets questioned. I'm the Alpha. Yes, Nathan's question was a good one just still it just drives me nuts. I need a break from this damn place. 

Rushing outside, I took a deep breath of the fresh air. I miss being able to just leave the house without being questioned. The freedom I felt when I was younger. Yes, I was training to be Alpha but I was still able to have freedom. 

Hell, Nathan and my delta, Hector, all were able to run around and be free. Sighing heavily, I headed for the beach. I needed some time to think and the beach helped. I followed one of the many trails that leads down to the beach. A well worn trail that has been used for generations. 

The air soon got the salty smell to it and I could hear the waves crashing against the shore. Stepping from the trees, I smiled seeing that I was actually alone of the beach. But, someone was here before me. Their scent still lingered around the logs near by. 

Curiosity got the better of me.  I came here to relax, but the scent was alluring. It pulled me in and I let it. It was obviously a female that was here. Coconut and Vanilla hung in the air. I felt dizzy, almost drunk off the smell. 

Shaking my head, I back up some confused as to why this scent was effecting me so much. I glanced down a different trail seeing it not as warn. Glancing around, I followed the trial the scent of the female still lingering in the air. I ignored the crack of thunder above me as the rain started. 

Determination to find out where this scent went took over the need to head home and get shelter. Soon, lights showed up ahead, strange, this was where the elders lived. But this scent continued to a well hidden A frame within the trees. My gaze shifted over to the windows seeing a young female inside. Around my age I would say, too young to be living around the elders.  Strange, how could he have not seen her before?

She was beautiful, breath taking almost. He knew he shouldn't be watching her from the trees. It was wrong. But something just pulled him in and it was driving him nuts. She turned and looked out the window into the woods. He growled softly knowing he had been starring too long and she must have gotten that feeling. He backed up some. 

A bright flash above him broke him from his trance. The flash was soon followed by thunder and the rain came down harder and faster. He growled and headed back towards his house now soaked to the bone. 

He was more confused than anything as to why her scent pulled him to her house. Why he had never seen this female before. Who was she? Was she new to the pack? No that couldn't be it, new pack members are required to meet me. Even if she arrived when my father was alpha, I was still there. I would've remembered someone as beautiful as her. 

"Where have you been! You are soaking wet James!" I heard my father yell. Yes, him and my mother still live with me while their new home is being built. 

Sighing, I looked up from my muddied feet and frowned at my father. "I...I was at the beach but..." I said my voice trailing off. 

My father gave me a confused look. "But what James?" he asked grabbing a towel from my mother and handing it over. 

Taking the towel, I wrapped it around my shoulders frowning. "When I was at the beach, I caught this scent. It effected me so much that I just followed it. It led me to the elder's houses and there was another house there..." I rambled on pacing some. 

My father gave my mother a knowing glance. "James, I think you need to go and shower, warm yourself with a hot shower and some food then we need to talk alright?" He asked looking at me. 

I looked at him confused. "What is it? Why did it effect me? I need to know." I said frantically slightly panicking at the same time. This was just all new to me and to be honest. I am kinda scared of what is happening to me. 

My father sighed heavily and looked at my mother. 

"Honey, I am assuming that there was a young female in that house. Yes? If so you need to be calm and do as your father suggested before we talk with you about who she is and what is happening to you alright? Everything will be ok." my mother said calmly walking over and kissing my cheek. 

I frowned but hung my head as I went up the stairs into my room. My wet clothes clung to my skin making it harder to pull them off. I just left them in a pile on my bathroom floor. I don't understand why they just won't tell me. I just don't understand and want to know the answer to all this. 

The bathroom steamed up as I turned the shower on. Stepping in, I just stood under the hot water letting it run down my back and slowly warm myself. This is becoming too much for me to handle. Being alpha is just becoming too much. 

Sighing, I quickly washed and stepping out wrapping a towel around my waist. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was built just like my father, tall and muscular. Though, I inherited my mother's tanned skin and dark hair. 

I headed into my room and pulled on boxers, sweats, and some random t-shirt hoping it was clean. Quickly rushing down the stairs and into the kitchen I looked at my parents. 

"What is happening?" I asked scared and it was obviously evident in my voice and face. 

My father sighed heavily setting down his glass of Scotch. "You are effected by her scent because she is your mate. Its the first thing you notice. It is what draws you to her. It effects her also, but she must not have been around you to catch your scent. It brings you two together. Its how I found your mother. A dance was held and as soon as I caught her scent..." he said getting cut off by my mother. 

"He practically shoved everyone to the floor to get to me. I had caught his scent easily and once he got to me. Its like we were the only ones in the room. No one else mattered but each other." She said kissing his temple. 

I looked at them shocked. 

I...I have found my mate.....

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