Chapter Three

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James's POV

I was not granted with sleep last night. My mind was swirling with too many thoughts. From the rouges to this female. I groaned and got up from bed and pulled on jeans and another random t-shirt hopefully it is clean. At this point I really don't give a shit. 

I walked downstairs and saw Nathan and Hector sitting at the breakfast bar. 

"Well looks like someone had a rough night." Nathan said laughing. I growled darkly and got myself some coffee. Black. I need it strong to keep myself awake. "I had a shitty night, especially after what I learned and now I can't stop thinking about it." I said sipping some coffee. 

"What happened?" Hector asked looking at me curiously. I sighed heavily leaning into the counter. "Well, according to my parents, I have found my mate but, I just don't understand who she is and why I have never seen her before until last night." I said frowning at them. 

Their faces were shocked. "Well, where does does live?" Hector asked sipping his coffee. "Over by the elders the last house in the trees, an A frame." I said remembering the house as plain as day. 

Nathan looked over at Hector. "I know who she said. Well just her name, my mother knew her mother before she died." Nathan said looking at me. I frowned hearing the news about her mother. "What is her name?" I asked looking at them. 

Nathan sighed heavily. "Opal Farren, look James there is something you probably should know about her." he said frowning at me. Setting my coffee cup down and looked at him. "What is it?" I asked sternly. 

"She is the daughter of the Bloodmoon Pack's Alpha, or former Alpha and to my understanding, he doesn't know that she exists." Nathan said looking at me. I stopped and looked at him. She was the daughter of an European Alpha? 

My father walked into the room looking between us. 

I growled darkly and looked at him. "Why didn't you tell me who's daughter she is?" I snapped looking at him. My father sighed heavily and motioned for Nathan and Hector to leave. Silence filled the room along with tension between us. I growled darkly watching him. 

"Don't you dare growl at me boy." he warned and got himself some coffee and sat down at the breakfast bar. "I didn't tell you who's daughter she was because I knew you would be upset. Especially since he attacked your mother the night he was here." he said and looked up at me. 

"Of course I would be upset!" I yelled throwing me hands up. How could my mate, be the daughter of the man who almost raped my mother?! Did he rape Opal's mother? Is that how she exists? 

"James! That is enough, Opal has no idea who exactly her father is. The pack shamed her mother because of him. Which is why you never saw Opal around the pack. Her mother kept her hidden because of him. Only a select few knew who her father was. The pack only shamed her mother because she fell pregnant without a mate." My father explained calmly.  

I glared at him. "How would you feel if your mate was the daughter of a man who tried to rape your mother?" I asked him looking him right in the eyes. 

He growled darkly and stood. "I wouldn't let that get in the way of it. Especially if she has never met him, has never been told who he is, or what he has tried to do." he growled. I may be Alpha, but my father was still bigger than me height wise. I'm not so sure about strength. 

We stood there just starring at each other. If this counter wasn't between us, we would be nose to nose right now. I didn't dare move

"What are you two doing!" My mother's voice rang out making us jump. I growled and looked over at her. "Nathan told me who her father is. How can you be happy that is who my mate is?" I growled watching my father move over to her and hold her close. Protecting her, almost, from me. 

She sighed heavily and looked at my father then me. "Honey, she is a product of a sinful thing. Some think it was her mother's drunkenness and his own. But he drugged her, that's how he got ahold of her. He tried to do the same with me, but your father knew. He watched everything and got me from him. Opal's mother had no one to protect her. No mate. Do not let her father's actions decide your feelings for her." she said looking at me. 

This was just all a mess and overwhelming. I know my mother is probably right. She is always right, but what if she learns about her father? How would she feel about me? Would she think that I dislike her? Don't trust her about my mother? Or anyone alone?

"James, honey, lets take a walk." My mother said softly taking my hand and leading me to the front door. I sighed and just let her as I slipped on my shoes and a jacket. 

She opened the door letting fresh air into the house. The heavy scent of fresh rain and wet dirt soon filled my nose. It was a calming scent. 

"Come." My mother said softly heading down a trail towards the trees. I frowned and followed after her glancing around at some of the pack members. I smiled seeing some young children playing in mud puddles. "Don't fall behind!" I heard my mother call from up ahead. I frowned and jogged some to catch up. 

My mother is one of the wisest people I know. She is a year or two younger than my father. I think she said she had some Native American in her. Which is why she has the tanned skin and dark hair. My grandparents died when I was younger, so I don't know much family history. 

The salty air soon mixed with the fresh air of the forest. Waves crashing on the beach soon sounded ahead. I hummed and looked at my mother. 

"Remember when you were younger? I would bring you here. You always tried to run for the water, but got scared as the waves came in." she said smiling. I blushed and looked at the waves. "They aren't as scary now." I said softly smiling. 

She chuckled and nodded. "Of course, you are a bit bigger now." she said and sighed heavily. "I know your father and I should've told you about that Alpha, I just, didn't want you to be worried about me. You worry enough as is." she said sitting down on a log. 

Frowning I looked over at her watching the wind blow her greying hair  around softly. I sat on another log and sighed. "I was about two months pregnant with you when he came to visit. If he would've succeeded in raping me, I'm sure you wouldn't be here. I was just so relieved when the doctor said that the drugs he used on me didn't effect you." She said frowning. 

I whined and stood going over and sitting next to her pulling her close. I'm not really sure what to say to her at all. I'm sorry wouldn't be something to say at this moment. 

An awkward silence fell between us. I went to say something to her, but was stopped in my tracks when a scent drifted in on the wind. Coconuts and Vanilla. Goosebumps formed on my skin, my body reacting to her scent. It was so fresh, so alluring to me. 

"James?" My mother asked softly looked up at me. I just ignored her watching Opal walk onto the beach. Everything in my body screamed at me to go over to her to go and talk with her. 

My mother followed my gaze and spotted Opal. "That must be her. She's beautiful." she said standing and making her way over to her. I gasped and stood watching her go. My mind screamed to follow but I was too scared to follow my mother. So instead, I turned tail and headed back towards the village. 

Such a cowardly thing to do... 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2021 ⏰

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