The twins

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Sofia's POV
"Five years I have been in this stupid jail cell none of my family visiting me but my twin brother.Some people really think I would actually kill her.what a stupid pathetic world I live in".

As I stare down at my body in this jail cells tiny mirror my bruises are more visible now and I know as soon as I walk out there Mateo will loose his shit.He knows me too well he will notice that it's hurting me to even walk and I am so not prepared for his out burst right now.

The friendly police officer that makes it very clear that she is frightened by me walks in very slowly and cautiously she stands there waiting and breathing very heavily as she gathers the words to speak a sentence to me.

"W-we will find out who did this to you Sofia we promises, it will be our number one priority"she says nervously without making eye contact with me which makes me laugh and smile proudly but one thing I know for sure as soon as I leave this prison they will forget about me and never even search for the person that attacked me last night.

"Listen officer why don't you just focus on arresting people that are actually guilty for once" I try really hard not to lose it with this officer and get myself stuck here for another five years I have to get out of here right now before I kill this lanky officer.

"Can I just go see my brother now officer"she nods and with a scared look on her face she leads me out of the room into the bear cage aka my devil of a brother awaits on the other side of that door.

Mateo's POV
I arrived at this stupid prison 1 hour ago and still no sign of anyone bringing my sister out. Where the hell is she, all these officers are unbelievably useless they don't even do their own jobs right they arrested my damn sister for something she didn't even do. And that's the fault of my fucking prick of a mother.

And there she stood barely standing up on her own,she was covered in bruises from her head to her toes black and blue all over but she still looked as strong and brave with all of her scars from all her fights that she wears proudly but I can't control myself,my blood started to boil and I could feel my eyes going blood red I am about to flip out and it's not gonna be pretty.

"I want to know what happened to my little sister and I want to know right now" I literally growled at the officer while trying to resist my urge not to break every damn officers neck in this prison but the look of the officers face was pleasing me she practically turned white and trembled with fear.God I love the fear I bring out of people.

"What are you mute speak you idiotic police officer" I am screaming right in her face now nearly making her fall onto the ground.She was petrified and couldn't get out any words as she tried to steady herself up and trying not to show fear which she was failing at.

"I-I".Was all she could say for 5 minutes straight trying to get a sentence together and it was quite amusing the first two times but now I am getting rather irritated and Sofia looks like she is gonna kill me after the officer is gone but at this moment in time i couldn't care less.

"We don't know who done this to her they cut the power and we didn't catch them"She says before running off as fast as lighting finally she actually formed a sentence that I understood.Took her long enough people these days.

Now it's just me and my twin sister my lifeline,standing 2 meters away from me in pain but if looks could kill I would be 6 feet under by now.I don't know what I am going to say to her she is finally free and I am acting like a pathetic kid until she finally breaks the silence.

"Do you like daddy dearest message brother I thought it was quite clever"She says with that tone of hers that makes any men fall on their knees for her.Does she think this is funny really my dad has another thing coming if he thinks I am gonna let this gone.

I must of been so angry and blinded by my thoughts that I didn't realise what my sister was saying until the one word I hate comes out of her mouth "we have to start school" Once them words come out of her mouth my mood changes all the flashbacks from school when I was younger come flooding into my head.I hated that place absalutly hate it why, why would she bring that up she knows how much trama i went through in that hell hole.

Sofia's POV
I knew I would get him out of his angry thought with that simple word that I know he hates and I know it's wrong of me but I had to get him out of that anger daze before he does anything stupid and gets himself in jail.

He stood still for awhile and he want pale. I know that word brings back bad memories but those memories are the reasons we are so strong and relay only on ourselves and fight with the rest of the world letting them know that we won't be silent and we won't back down.This silence is killing me we are just standing here.Mateo is staring at the ground and i am just standing here looking at him.I hate silence its suffecating.

"Mateo come on it wont be like last time i promise"I tried to say that as calmly as possible and waiting for his response was killing me inside i just had to know what was going on inside his head.I can usally tell but for once i can't and its scaring me a little.Mateo can be quite unpredictable when he is angry or upset.

Mateo POV

I knew my sister just wanted me out of my angry daze but saying that just made the memorise come flooding back to me all at once and it made me wanna kill someone but i know from experinece that i need to calm down i need to control my anger.

I will just take a few deep breaths and then think here we go.Deep breaths always helped me before and it will do it again control Mateo control. Finally i can feel myself grow calmer by every breath i take and i am just glad it worked.If i could get rid of my anger issues i would but no i just couldn't have normal anger usses i just had to have sever generic anger issues that makes me have blood red eyes.But it is what it is.

"Little one as long as you are by my side at school nothing can go wrong right"I say the biggest lie I have ever said to my twin sister but I can't let her know that I am terrified,show no weakness my fathers words repeated in my head over and over again,trust no one not even your own blood dammit why can't he leave me alone,he is everywhere and I can't escape it and just as I was about to slam my first on the table my Sofia took my out of my trance by standing in front of me with her small hands barely reaching my face and staring at me with her silver snowy white eyes.

when I look at her eyes all I see is my innocent little girl that has been through a lot and still manages to calm me down.

"Mat hey talk to me,what's going on in that head of yours"She said in her little calming voice damn it she can read me like a book.I look down at her and say "Nothing little devil let's go home, I want to show you the new house we are living in from now on"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2021 ⏰

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