Formality - 2

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 "Nothing's wrong. I just, I have a lot on my mind." Allison waved off Lydia's words as we went up the escalator to the second floor of the mall. 

I sighed and absent mindedly touched my Triskelion necklace. They were out there somewhere, and I'm shopping with the one person who could help me find them. I can smell their scent on her. Most likely rubbed on her by her parents. I want to tell her so bad but if I do that I completely de-rail her whole life. As much as I want to find them I can't do that to her. I can't be my uncle. "Yeah I know how you feel." 

"You could smile, at least. Ever heard of the saying, "Never frown-- someone could be falling in love with your smile?" Lydia mused with a smile. 

"Smile, Allison. I'm buying you a dress." 

Allison shrugged lightly. "Have to admit, as far as apologies go, that's more than I expected."

Lydia smiled widely. "Excellent!" 

"But not as much as I'm going to ask." 

Lydia frowned. "What? What's that supposed to mean?" She asked as we stepped out of the escalator.

"It means you're going to cancel on whatever dumb, 'roided-up jock' you said yes to and you're going to go with somebody else." 

"Who?" Lydia questioned. 

I looked around the mall and saw Stiles at the perfume stands. I am not even going to ask why he's shopping.

I point to Stiles. "Him." 

Lydia pouted as she looked over to him and he waved awkwardly. Leaning on the counter trying to play it cool.

"Don't frown, Lydia!" Allison joked with a smirk. "Someone could be falling in love with your smile." I said, using Lydia's own words against her. 

Stiles joined us and helped Lydia carry all of her dress options while I searched for a dress. 

Looking through all the racks for a dress. I found a few dress options and I was about to go change into them when I saw Peter with Allison. Okay what is with this family and stalking? I listened into the conversation and all they were talking about was how fair her skin was and if she was shopping with friends. 

Could he be a bigger creep? 

I rushed in there, looping an arm through hers. "Hey Allison, I found some dresses but I need an opinion. Come with me to the changing room?" 

She nodded quickly, and excused herself from Peter and started going to the changing rooms. 

I gave Peter a glare before catching up to her.

"I have to admit Isabelle, you've grown into a fine young woman. You remind me of your mother. Ingenuitive indeed."

I hide a scowl as I enter the changing room with Allison. I want to rip his eyes out. "Oh thanks for that. That conversation was getting awkward." 

I smiled at her. "Yeah no problem. What was it about anyway?" 

She chuckled as she tried on a dress. "He kept complementing my skin. It was weird." She said, dismissing the topic as she twirled in a white dress that had a sparkly black top with red belt. 

"What do you think?" I winced as I shook my head. "No, doesn't suit you." 

She laughed as she looked at her self in the mirror. "I didn't think so either." 

"So..." She started as I held up a blue dress to myself in the mirror.

"Why'd you suggest that Lydia go with Stiles?"

I have to admit, the question caught me off guard. 

"Well because he's my best friend and I know he likes her." I admitted forcefully as I tried on the blue dress.

I flattened it down, swaying from side to side. "What do you think?"

Allison put a hand on her chin in thought "Nah." I slipped the dress off as she tried on another one.

"But you like him " Yet again, another question that caught me off guard. 

"For that I have no answer." 

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

After shopping with Allison and Lydia, I settled for a burgundy red dress off the shoulder dress. At the front it ended just above my ankles and it was flowy in the back. It was absolutely perfect. 

My hair was curled pass my shoulders, to go along with the dress I was wearing a pair of diamond teardrop earrings and my silver triskelion necklace. 

I also had to help my mom get ready because she was chaperoning, something she could not get out of. 

"Mom we need to go!" I called out from the living room, holding my red clutch that held my phone and makeup. We decided to keep some clothes in the car just in case we needed to change into something more liberating. 

Mom came in, wearing a royal blue one shoulder dress, as she was quickly putting on a pair of diamond linear earrings. 

"I'm ready, I'm ready." She said as I handed over her blue clutch. "God I'd rather be pounding on the argents door then going to a formal." She muttered as she grabbed the car keys from the coffee table. 

She smiled when she looked at me. "At least you look lovely." 

I smiled at the complement. "You look amazing to mom." 

She smiled and opened the door, just as we were about to step out we froze because there was someone standing there. 


We really ought to get cameras outside. 

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

"What the hell are you doing here!" Mom boomed angry. 

"What? Can't I visit my dear sister?" He questioned with a smile, as he pushed past and entered. 

"No you cannot." She growled as she followed him in, slamming the door behind her. I've seen my mom mad but never this mad.

"I see Nathan hasn't come home yet." He mused as he took a look around the house. He picked up a framed photo we took in New York last summer. We had to hide it when Sherriff Stilinski came over asking if we had a recent photo of Derek. 

"Hmm, how about we help each other?" 

I scowled. "We are not joining your pack."  

Peter smiled fakely, putting down the photo as he approached. "You're my family, my blood, you technically already are." 

Mom narrowed her eyes at him, taking measured steps.

"We are not family. You made sure of the when you killed Laura." 

Peter rolled his eyes like if he had enough of that. "It was an accident, I never meant to kill Laura." I scoffed not believing him. "Yeah sure." 

Mom opened the door and held the keys in her hand tightly. "You need to get the hell out of here, now!" 

Peter sighed and walked to the door. "Nice seeing you sis." 

She growled in response as he walked out and replied sarcastically. "Likewise brother." 

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