Second Chance At First Line - 1

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To be completely honest the whole Allison's father being a hunter is hardly a surprise for me. I mean I did expect at least someone in her family to be a hunter. The whole hunter business is seriously stressing Scott out and right now Stiles is seriously stressing me out.

"So how come you didn't wolf out like Scott did? Or is it different for girls?"

I swear he's making me want to kill him. He's asking all the questions he didn't get to ask because of my dad.

"I didn't wolf out because I've learned to control it." I mutter as I sit down at the bleachers. We were at practice before the game tonight.

"What about your dad? Is he one too? Why did he change his name to Hale?"

"Yes, my dad is a werewolf. He grew up in the foster system, so it was harder for him to control everything, and he changed his name to Hale after he married my mom because he wanted to be a part of something."

"Right, you guys are like werewolf royalty, right?"

"Once upon a time before the fire."

Coach blew the whistle and I have never been more thankful for his yelling. "Go annoy someone else okay." I shoved Stiles away and he jogged back down to the bench.

God, remind me why I said I was relieved to have told someone?

Practice has started and so far, Jackson was the star showing off his moves.

"McCall, what are you waiting for? Let's go!" Coach yelled when Scott wouldn't move from his spot in line. Scott regained focus but lost it once again when he was running directly into Jackson.

"Hey, McCall!" Called out coach. "Hey, McCall!" He said with a little more laugh.

"You sure you still want to be first line, McCall?" Jackson said snidely to Scott who laid on the ground.

"My-my grandmother can move faster than that-- and she's dead!" Coach said, stuttering as he scolded Scott who now had his hand clutching his stomach.

"You think you can move faster than the lifeless corpse of my dead grandmother?"

"Yes, Coach." Scott said strained.

"I can't hear you!"

Scott glares at Jackson, his eyes glowing an amber gold as he responds. Frack. "Yes, Coach."

"Then do it again!"

Scott ran back to line as Coach yelled out, "McCall's gonna do it again! McCall's gonna do it again!" It was almost mocking.

"Let's go!"

Scott ran at Jackson, shoving him so hard he fell on the ground, and I swear I heard a bone break. Scott grabbed his head and collapsed on his knees.

Great someone kill me now.

I dropped my stuff on the bleachers and ran out into the field, making my way to Scott. I drop down and grabbed Scott by the helmet and made him look at me. Everyone was more concerned about Jackson, so they didn't bother to look at us.

"Scott? Scott you, okay?" I asked, concerned, his fangs were out, and his eyes were amber.

"I can't control it, Izzy! It's happening!" Stiles ran over and looks at me in panic. "What? Right here? Now?"

"Come on, get up. Come on. Come on." We both grabbed him and hoisted him up, thankfully no one was paying attention, so we managed to get him to the locker room without a hitch. It never amazes me how disgusting teenage boys can be. God look at the sight of it.

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