Chapter 3

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Usually, I have one of my staff take the cars to CM Garage when one of them needs reparations or service. I've only been there a few times myself. They are known for their good work and I trust them with my cars.

Today, I was at one of my businesses to check that everything runs smoothly. When me and Antonio are about to go home and walk into the parking garage in the basement, some punk is hitting the taillight of my car with a bat. When he sees us coming, he looks terrified and tries to run. I nod at Antonio and he pulls out his gun and shot him in the leg, making him drop to the floor.

"Aaah, fuck! My leg."

We walk over to him and Antonio puts his foot on his back, making him lay still.

I hunch down in front of him. "Perché hai rotto la mia macchina? Per chi lavori?" [Why did you break my car? Who are you working for?] He looks at me with fear in his eyes. "WHO. ARE. YOU. WORKING. FOR?" I say with my thick accent, still calm, but with a threatening tone.

"I... I'm sorry. I didn't know whose car is was. I just got paid to break it."

"Who paid you?"

"I... I don't know his name," he says, now crying. "He just stopped me on the street and gave me $500 and a bat. H... he had a black SUV, grey hair and a little beard."

I look at Antonio. "Lorenzo." He nods.

"P... please let me go. If I had known it was your car, I never would have done it."

"È un po 'troppo tardi per quello." [It's a little too late for that.] I stand up, draw my gun and shoot him between his eyes. "Chiama Luca e digli che abbiamo bisogno di una pulizia. [Call Luca and tell him we need a cleanup.] Make them drop the body at Lorenzos front step."

Antonio makes the call while I wipe off my gun. I walk around the car and notice only the taillight is out. That's a good enough reason for being pulled over by the cops. Even if most of them are on my payroll, I don't want to take any chances.

"Andiamo al garage CM per risolvere il problema." [Let's go to CM garage to get this fixed.]

We get into the car and Antonio calls the garage while we're driving. The owner knows who I am and he can squeeze my car in. I just transfer some extra money to his private account and he knows not to bother me when I come over.

It's only a 20-minute drive and when we get there, I see a girl I haven't seen before at the front desk. She's beautiful, but seems a little shy. She's got golden brown wavy, long hair and green eyes. The tattoo on her right forearm makes her look more sweet than tough. I'm pretty good at reading people and she doesn't look like she belongs here amongst these rough guys.

Antonio goes up to the desk and tell her my name. She checks the booking system and tell him to leave the key and that we are welcome to sit down and wait. Chris, who is the owner of CM Garage, walks over to her from his office and tells her his office needs cleaning again. I don't like the way he says it with a smirk. 

She sighs and rolls her eyes and she doesn't look happy. She stands up, grabs disposable gloves, a rag and sanitizer from a drawer and walks into his office. Why the hell does she need sanitizer?

"Goddamnit!" I hear her curse.

After a while she comes back and looks more tired than she did before. I look at her and she gives me a small smile, then turns back to the computer. I usually don't like people looking or staring at me. I don't like to socialize more than I have to and I DON'T like people touching me.

A psychologist once told me I might have Asperger's syndrome when my mom brought me to one as a child, but I don't think so. Besides the fact that I don't want people too close to me, I don't fit the symptoms. I can understand people's feelings totally fine. I just don't give a fuck. I blame it on my shitty parents. Especially my dad who beat me. I didn't have a loving upbringing. I'm highly intelligent and that's what made me succeed and be able to be the powerful man I am today.

Most people know who I am and not to disturb me. They know what I do to those who doesn't listen. Women sometimes throw themselves at me, but I always have one of my men with me, usually Antonio, who can shove them away before they get to close.

I've had my share of one-night stands just to fill my needs, but they're not allowed to touch me. They're informed on what it means to be with me and what to expect and not to. They're instructed to get on all fours and I only touch them when needed. I like it rough, slapping their asses and pounding into them, just to get me where I need to, to get a release. When I'm done, one of my men kick them out. Some of them cry when I'm done, some seems to like it. I never bring them to my home though. I always use a hotel room.

This girl doesn't seem to be that interested at throwing herself at me and that's a first. I noticed her looking when we walked in, but then she got back to her work and seemed more uncomfortable when I looked at her.

She picks up the phone that's ringing and she's really nice to the lady that's calling. She sounds professional even if she's tired and doesn't seem to enjoy her job that much. When she hangs up, she sighs and goes back to the computer. I wonder what made her so tired and I wonder why I suddenly am so interested in another human being. I have my small inner circle that also are my most trusted men, and that's it. I've never had a relationship because that doesn't work for me.

Chris walks in and hoovers over her shoulder. 

"Aren't you supposed to tend to Mr. Amoretto's car?" she whispers to him, nodding in my direction.

"Brent's got it," he says, but keeps standing there smirking with his arms crossed. I don't like it.

"Did you need something else?" she says, turning to him and looking a bit annoyed.

"You know what I need," he says with a big grin. "Me and the guys was thinking about getting some drinks after work. Why don't you join us?"

"No, thank you," she says quickly and turns back to the computer.

"Come on, Lia," he says leaning into her ear and I see that she's uncomfortable, which somehow makes me want to go over there and beat his ass, but I control myself and just clench my fists. Lia. I wonder if that's her real name. "Live a little," he says to her.

"Done that. It sucked."

"I know what else you can suck," he whispers into her ear, thinking we can't hear him.

"Oh, shut up!" she says slapping his chest lightly, making him stand up and chuckle.

Brava ragazza. [Good girl.]

"You're no fun," he says walking to his office and she mutters some curse words quietly to herself. Just as he steps inside his office, we hear a loud thud, like he's falling to the floor. "Fucking hell!" he yells.

"Are you ok?" she asks him.

"Just peachy."

She chuckles with an evil grin and continues tapping on the computer. I feel the corners of my mouth turn into an equally evil smirk. The fucker had it coming and I'm glad she enjoyed that. She notices me smirking at her and quickly becomes serious again.

One of Chris's employees comes over with the key and tries to give it to me, but Antonio stands up in front of me and tells him I don't like to be touched.

"I wish I had a bodyguard like that," I hear Lia mumble to herself.

When he walks to the garage again, he gives her a wink. She blushes a little and looks at the computer again. She doesn't seem comfortable around these men and this is not the right workplace for her even if she seems to do a great job.

Antonio walks over to her and make the payment and when we walk out I tell him to find out more about her. He looks a little surprised, but doesn't question me. I don't know why she intrigues me so much, but I feel the need to get to know her and protect her. That feeling is new to me since I don't care about other people's feelings. I usually don't give a fuck.

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