The begginning

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A/N Hey guys this is my first story ever so please don't judge a book by its cover no pun intended I DO Not Own PJO or HOO uncle rick does
Percy's POV
I was walking down to the beach in camp half blood I had just gotten back from my mission of saving a certain goddess I'm not gonna point any fingers (*cough Athena *cough ) how did she get in trouble you may ask well I'll tell you
Athenas POV (shocker)
I was walking down the walk ways of Olympus when I ran into someone I said hey watch it and I looked up I noticed it was the one person who gave me the greatest child ever Annabeths father I said what are you doing here and he said Annabeth brought me here I said oh and then he said look Athena I..I want to marry you. I said what I'm a maiden goddess never he stood there looking sad but then he cracked a smile and said oh Athena your so gullible and then I was trapped
*******le end flashback **********
So that's what happened to Athena
So after I saved her she agreed to let me marry AnnaBeth
A/N sorry but I'm gonna leave you guys at a cliffie

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