Part 2

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My head slips off my hand and I jerk up. Woah! did I just fall asleep?! That guy pointed to my mouth and I quickly wipe away the drool, how embarrassing. I scan the room to see if anyone else noticed, my aunt apparently did and she looked worried. I get up to leave early as she and my cousin follow.

"You poor dear, I didn't realize you were that tired," she soothes my hair down, "you shouldn't have come." Hah like I had a choice. I shake my head

"No I had fun, thank you for inviting me," and with that I turn and leave. She watched me, and that cousin trailed behind. I wave to her before getting into my car and she waved back only to me.

"Um, can I help you?" I didn't mean to sound rude, but with him pointing out my drool still had my ears burning.

"Actually thought I'd help you. Gonna make sure you don't fall asleep while driving." I arch my eyebrow. "We are family after all." Alright thats nice, but still creepy.

"Fine get in," I say starting the car as I slide into the drivers seat.

"You're Ara right?" I nod, ashamed I didn't know his name. He smiles "I'm Imran by the way," he buckles his seatbelt "I'm a psychiatrist at the local hospital, helping those who are mentally disabled." I involuntarily clench my teeth and tighten my grip on the steering wheel. He doesn't say anything else the entire ride, it was almost like I was the only one in the car. When we reach the apartment, I head directly into the kitchen to put on some tea for the guest.

"Ara, can I use the bathroom?"

"Yea use the one in my room," I answer back. I wait in the kitchen for him to come out and he does so in a couple of minutes. "Where're you going? Don't you want something to eat?"

"No I just wanted to make sure you got home, I'll be leaving now." he says in a monotone. Confused I follow him to the entrance door.

"How are you gonna get back?"

"I'm heading two blocks away for some business," and with that he abruptly leaves. I watch him walk down the path while slowly closing my door. At the edge of the road he turns around halfway and narrows his eyes at me, or I could've imagined it. A phone call from my aunt jolts me into reality.

"Ara, did you make it home safely?"

"Yes I made it," I smile, it's nice to have someone care.

"Oh good. I was worried you might sleep drive. Sorry I let you go alone I should've dropped you off... Oh dear the baby is crying, bye hun" and with that she hung up. I stood there frozen. Did she just say I came alone?

I rush to the door and yank it open to see if Imran was still in view. A figure passes by, "Imran?" I say.

"Yea?" A voice calls, from behind. I jump and there he stood grinning, "can't you recognize your own hallucination?" I tremble as the clouded memories of my visits to the pschiatrist slips back into my mind. He pulls me over to the mirror.

The wall-length mirror beholds me standing in the room by myself, with my long hair dangling messily around my face, and that peeling scab. I turn to Imran and half-smile....I'm not alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2015 ⏰

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