Part 1

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I squeeze against the arm of the sofa as another relative tries to fit in. I can't believe I have to be here, even if I wasn't invited quite frankly no one was gonna miss me anyway.

Glancing around the room, my aunts and uncles are busy chatting, my cousins have formed their own groups and I'm sitting here completely alone and always.

After a couple of months I should have adjusted by now, but apart from the small talk here and there, thats far from happening. Im probably just self conscious of the mark on my cheek, remembering, I tilt my head allowing my hair to swing forward.

This is why I avoid family gatherings.

Stifling a yawn, I notice a broad shoulder guy sitting on the one seater across from me. Must be another cousin. It wasn't his appearance that got me, but how others ignored him as well. He sat there peacefully, looking about the room until our eyes met.

Startled, I break the bond mortified that he caught me staring. From the side of my eye I can see him smiling, so I dare myself to look at him. He just nods his head towards the group of cousins and with a frown, shrugs. Looks like we're both outcasts in this family.

Rather not in the mood to socialize, I prop my arm up and rest my head on my hand. Lids, suddenly heavy with sleep, are on the verge of shutting out the world when surprisingly one of my cousins calls out to me.

"Hey Ara, check out this video," I grab the phone from her extended hand "its about paranormal activity recorded in the pschiatric ward!" Great! I hate horror, but against my better judgement I press the play button.

The video, in night vision, shows a patient on the bed. A couple minutes later his arms and legs start jerking in different directions. Oookay I think I had enough! I quickly drag the scroll bar to the end of the video, where a lady with long hair and blood on the side of her face was standing in the corner, smiling at the camera... smiling at me. Shit!

"Here I'm done!" I quickly jump and throw out my arm to give back her phone, but she was no longer there, in fact no one was. I circle to face the other side of the room to find it empty, I was alone. The phone battery dies on cue, and I place it on the coffee table. My heart picks up the pace, as I look out the family room window and much to my dismay I see a tall figure standing there. It wasn't outside, but a reflection of it....

Of it standing behind me.

I swivel around so fast that I nearly fall backwards. Throwing my arms up to protect myself, my eyes widen with fear.

It's not here!? I swear I just saw something.

The lights turn off, rooted to the spot I'm thrown into a minute of darkness before the generator roars to life. The only light that turns on was shinning from above the staircase. The marble stairs land on a small platform before spiralling up to the second floor. I edge towards them slowly.

It's safer in the light, I'll just stand there until all the lights come back.

I'm only a few feet from the stairs when, unseen footsteps come pounding towards me. Adrenaline shoots through me, allowing my jelly legs to run up the stairs two at a time. Landing on the platform, between the two floors I turn to see my pursuer. The footsteps disappear, but a misplaced color in my peripheral vision yells for my attention. I glance at the floor where in fresh blood 'AlONE' was written. Heart jumping to my throat I run to the second floor with continuous glances behind me.

There was a small sitting area with a sliding door that lead to a terrace and three bedrooms, all of which had their wooden doors closed. I sit on a chair, fear shaking my body alive. If I could get my mouth to open, I'd be screaming my head off.

A small creak from the side indicated that one of the doors opened slightly. Unwillingly I turn towards it, while cautiously getting up. The door swings wide open, noisily hitting the adjacent wall and there she was. The person with long hair and blood splotched face...the same one from the video. The hand was outstretched, fingers clawed ready to strangle me.

Ohh shit!! I leap out of her reach just in time to open the terrace door and run outside.

"HELPPP!" a yell bursts from my lips. I'm still running though not fast enough, she pushes into my shoulder so hard, I almost hit the railing. Staggering forward I try to grip something for support, but those rough hands grab my waist and throw me over the edge. My hands snatch on just in time, and as my body weight drops the right humerus pops out of its socket. I groan with pain, as my right arm is dislocated and I can barely hang on with my left.

She bends over the railing, an ugly grin plastered to her visage. "Yell all you want! No one cares!" and with that she unclawed my grip and let go. I fall screaming, wind rushing through my hair, as I get closer to the marble patio beneath...

ALONE (short story)Where stories live. Discover now